Jisung (Rqstd)

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Author's Notue:
Requested by ironicallyawesome😊 Thank you so much for requesting this and I hope you like it! 😚

Oh and a small reminder that I didn't put in the author's note (yeah because I didn't make one OMG i know im an idiot)

I'll be closing this book once it reaches 130 chapters or imagines and I'll be making a new one! I'll be making you guys decide on which group I should do next though.

Yeah so that's all back to the imagine! 😁

Kennedy's POV

Okay,  like what you always do Kennedy, relax. Chill. This isn't the first time you're seeing him. You can do this. You ca----

My thoughts were shattered when the door I knocked in opened revealing my best friend, Jisung. Me and Jisung, as well as the other members of Stray Kids, we're already best of friends even before they had the idea of being idols. But me and Jisung really have this comfortable bond that I do have with the other members but it feels a whole lot different when it's him.

"Hey Kenny, you're finally here! " he says as he made way for me to go in. I smiled at him,  as always like my practiced smile,  and walked inside the practice room receiving a lot of 'hi's and good afternoon's from the other guys.

Obviously,  from the speech that was on my mind a while ago, I am falling in love with this guy. BUT, like all cliche movies,  I didn't want our friendship to end. You might think that the ones in the movies were all drama and stuff but if you were in.l my position ou would do the same thing. The fear of getting rejected and being all awkward after it just frightens the soul out of me. So let's just keep it locked I aside and slowly forget about it.

Yeah right. Seeing him everyday like this would realllyyyyy help you 'forget'. 

I sigh at myself as I placed the packed lunch I always bring for them every afternoon as they are very tired from practice.

I saw Chan wiggle his eyebrows at me awkwardly as I try not to laugh and instead figure what he was supposed to say. Without a single clue, I prepared all their food out as they ate in process. 

There was also another member which I'm close to,  SeungMin. We were in the same class so we were really comfortable with each other when it comes to different types of things. And with that said, he grabbed a chicken nugget and told me to say 'Ahh' and I did. I took a small bite as he ate the rest,  not really having a big deal I to it,  I mean we do that all the time,  we're like siblings. (A/N: i sEe wHat yOu diD tHeRE)

With all the members eating and chatting Chan suddenly choked on his food and made my mind snap onto something I forgot.

"I forgot the coke! " I half-shouted making everyone whine and groan playfully as some made their way to me and SeungMin again shoved a nugget in my mouth playfully as I chuckled.

"I'll be back! " I bid a quick goodbye as faded 'be quick'and 'run's words came out the room. Making my way down the stairs,  practically half running,  I suddenly heard a crack on my bones by my feet and groaned.

"Argh! " I crouch down sitting on the stair step as a voice called out for me.

"Kennedy!" Jisung made his way to me and suddenly lifted my leg to him and twisted my feet as it made another crack sound and I groaned slightly. As the pain faded away he said a small sorry and helped me up.

"It's fine,  it was clumsy of me. " I laugh it out as I searched for a reaction from him only finding an awkward aura surrounding us. I cleared my throat and made my way down the stairs as we walked to the nearest 24/7 store to buy drinks.

As we are by the side walk, my mind was already thinking of what could be the reason why he suddenly followed me all of the sudden.

Does he have something in mind?

As my mind was panicking he suddenly tapped my shoulder.

I hum in response and face him only finding a red pair of cheeks and ears as he was scratching his neck.

I know this scene. Not being such a big head but it looks like he is going to confess.

I panicked all of the sudden.

Wait, what am I supposed to do in this kind of thing?!

I gulped and tried to stay calm as he stared talking.

"Kennedy,  I... Wanted to tell you.... Something.. " he says as I could feel my heart trying to make its way out of my chest.

"I.... "

"I like you too! " I choked up as I covered my mouth with my hands.

"I mean what? I like..... You.. re hair today! " I gave an awkward laugh.

"I love you actually... " he says as he smiles.

"I'm hearing things a lot these days Jisung,  mind coming with me to the hospital sometimes? " I ask making my way to the store as he suddenly grabs my arm making me look at him.
"I said I love you... Don't you love me to---" I cut him off by pecking his cheek.

"Is that even a question? I've been waiting for this my whole life Jisung and now that you've finally said those words feels like its too good to be true. " I felt my cheeks burn on what U did and said.

I want to disappear.

He chuckles as he went to the empty road and shouted 'yes's a few times as I tried to drag him to the side walk.

"Are you crazy?! " I tell him as he hugged me and spun me around making me giggle at the gesture.

"Going was actually worth it huh? " he said as I had a hint on what was going on.  I looked around the place we were in and spotted a blonde guy with some other boys who are obviously too familiar for me sitting in a bench with masks and hats on.


I grabbed Jisung's hand and started running as we had a little date before going back to the dance practice room.

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