Two Sisters, One Lake...

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??? POV

Well hello there! You must be my new student! Well nice to meet you! Sadly i will not say my name but you will know in the mean time! But for now i have a story to tell you! One there were two girls. They were twins! Not only that but they were princesses! The oldest out of the two was Lynn Rose Rich. Lynn was the princess of the night. Little did she know that would change... Her youngest was named Diana, the princess of the day. Diana was a very positive and commanding woman. she wanted the best for her kingdom. Lynn on the other hand was protective and brave. She was always with her sister Diana, making sure she didn't do anything stupid. After all she was the oldest so she needed to watch her little sister.

One day Diana and the King had a huge argument so badly that her mother had to be involved to help the King out. When Lynn saw this she was worried her father would do something bad to her. So she stepped in and said the things she needed to say to calm father. For some reason Lynn was his favorite. Mom loved Lynn's sister more but she really didn't care. Or it looked that way. 

When the fight was over Lynn and Diana went to there room and Diana started crying of course Lynn didn't like this and she knew why she was crying as well. So she promised her sister she would do anything for her and she didn't know that this would ruin her life forever...Her sister hug her and said thank you. And Lynn was happy! She felt happy that she made her sister happy. So she went in her room but before she did she told her sis good night and left. 

A few days later her sister was getting into more trouble finally she realized she needed to stay out of it so she did. Diana hated this from her sister but she couldn't do nothing about it. Finally she had a great idea but little did she know this idea would lead to disaster!

Diana remembered her father saying close by the castle is a lake, a magic lake. Of course i didn't believe him but sis did. She told me that it's better to never figure out rather than figuring it out and of course she was right. But one day i asked sis to come with me and explore and watch me just in case of anything bad. And of course she agreed to come. I tole her i wanted to look around and look for something and she was confused at first but she agreed and went outside the castle walls. When we got out and started looking. It took forever! But we found it! It was so clear and amazing! Sis then knew what i was looking for sis was scared and said we should head back but i refused. I told her that i didn't want to go in it just look. She was ok with the idea of looking. So we searched and found what looked like a old dock. Sis said she would go first to see it the dock was ok and she didn't know the reason why i brought her out here yet but that was to prove that dad was wrong! So when she got close to the edge of the dock i ran to her and pushed her and the lake she didn't get my hand in time and fell in. I was so happy my plan worked! So Diana kept looking to see if her sister would come out of the water to breath... But she never did... She started to get worried until dad was running to the dock and i ran to him and said sis "fell" in the lake i tried to catch her but she fell! Dad was angry but worried he told me that if sis hasn't came up yet the darkness killed her but finally she came up and dad catched her hand before it went underwater again. He quickly went to the castle and ask all the maids to fix a nice bed for sis he was scared that her other bed would turn plus i also slept with sis. Don't ask just what we did. Anyway dad had all the doctors come in and help sis. she had black marks all around her and cuts like she was in war with something and failed! When dad and me were pushed out of the room because they needed all the room they could get for how many doctors were in the. Me and dad went and sat at the throne room finally he asked how did she get there and i told him the same thing that she fell in. And he told that's not what he meant. He said that he wanted to know who's idea was it to go to the lake in the first place. I told him another lie and said it was Lynn's idea she wanted to see if what you said was true. Of  course The king could tell when his daughters lie to him and yelled at her and said. Look what you did to your sis! She will now be evil and doctors will never be able to heal her from this! The only way shell be healed is to death! The King was so angry he told his daughter from now on you will never speak to your sis again ever! Diana was suprised and felt guilty she felt like a tone of bricks fell on her... But she never knew that this was only the beginning of terror....

 But she never knew that this was only the beginning of terror

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Hoped you like this first chapter and thx!

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