Children of the Night

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+++(??? POV)+++
For years we have waited for our dear mother, a queen of darkness to  come back too us and let us free of slumber... Sadly the younger one would never have it for she thought this was terrible and we would shatter the kingdoms all around! So our mother promised us that one day she would awaken us from suffering and death for she would make a colony for all of us too be strong and happy! It's been 28 years since she promised us this... Some of us think she forgot about us... Others believe she just wanted to watch us die... But some people like me and my brother believe that she is waiting for the perfect moment to bring us home with her and we will rule when that day comes...

My brother believes that this is just a test! To see who still believes the rumors and legends... I agree completely! Our mother would never leave us behind NEVER! So until that day... when were free and happy we will just sleep in the abis of a home in slumber... So pls mother come home...

+++(Lynn POV)+++

××× (10 years later)×××

It's been what? Almost 15 years since I have my first born to my sis? Man time passes... But things got really bad  ever since then I can barely even controls my dark side soon I won't be able too... Then legend has it that the chosen one will have to take me down... I know who the chosen one is to be in fact! I hate knowing my big theory is right but I can't help but want too hurt her... BUT I WOULD NEVER HURT MY OWN CHILD THAT'S RIDICULOUS!!! So I'll wait... At the same time *SHE* Will come soon and I won't be able to stop it...

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