2) Loosing the Music

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CHAPTER 2: loosing the Music

"Please stop!!!Don't leave me, don't leave us!"I screamed and I found myself hyperventilating on my bed.It took me a second to realise that I was just dreaming, but something seems to be missing, "Maglenda"

My heart beat stopped, "Holy crap"I breathed out,"Where are you?"

I frantically ran around my house and then it struck me,like an ice berg ,She was gone. I scratched my head and looked around for her traces, my eyes landed on the door of my studio apartment and glued to it as I kept waiting while fidgeting my fist. Any moment those doors will burst open, she will rush into my arms and will tell me that everything is fine, everything is gonna be fine as she is there for me, to hold me, to love me  like the first time we met but darn my luck she didn't. I let out a glass shattering like laugh  with my nails digging deep in my palms, I kept laughing, until everything went black.


I still remember the day I meet her. The sun was setting while I was dipping my legs into the pool to find some peace as I finally got rid from the paparazzis. I was in some party held by my director in celebration of my debut music video. I know I am required to be there but it is too much for me, especially for the 18 year old me. Well, I never really wanted fame but I couldn't deny the offer to the director.

"Hey!"a soothing voice snapped me out of my thought, I shivered a bit and turned to towards the voice.A girl, older than me, probably in her early 20's looked at me with a timid warm smile.

"Can I sit here?"she asked.


The simple curve on her face turned into a grin, she quickly sat beside me with her face shyly with a tint of pink fixating at the water while I stared at what I saw, I am not an aesthetic but I can say the girl right in front of me felt like beauty.I guess listening to the director wasn't a bad idea after all.She tugged her hair strand rebelling her bun behind her ear and faced me.

"You are the singer of 'music in me'.Right?"she said with her eyes widened.A smiled crept on my lips and nodded, my eyes consumed in her soft brown ones.

"I am massive fan of you!"she exclaimed and then abruptly stopped. Taking a deep breathe she continued,"Your song is so inspiring, I am a model and few days back I had an interview, I was so nervous but then I heard your song.It filled me with so much of confidence, I smashed my interview and that is how I ended up being here.I am so much in love with you and your work.When will your next song come out? When will be the album out?I have heard you are still working on it?oh jeez, I ask so many questions, sorry for troubling you."

I chuckled and said,"It is okay. I am glad it helped you and yeah, we are still working on the album, it will be out in few months.My next song, um, I was struggling with inspiration to write but I guess ..I guess I have found it!"

I hesitantly extended my hands to her cheeks, Confusion took over her face then her eyes closed we leaned in and our lips crashed.

It was soft and tender, lasted for few seconds.

"By the way I am Maglenda." She said looking into my eyes, I whispered her name, it felt the most magical thing coming out of my mouth.After that I took her to my apartment, we talked and ate cereals all night, and somewhere in between we doze off.I woke up to my nightmares and she was there to hold me. Her soothing voice made me believe her, and soon we were dating.


I woke up at night around 9:00pm, but got out of the bed around ten. I went to the kitchen with my head still spinning, I took out some water and pizza from the last night.

I went to my balcony, I shuddered from the cold breeze of the December . I sat on the bean bag with legs crossed and stared at the world visible to me.There are only three stars left in the sky to look upon. I can count them, can you believe that? Right under this starless sky stands a concrete jungle with equally mesmerising lights, with the descending melody of the traffic. The part of city I live in is not as lively as the other but it really a bliss for anyone in search of peace.

I silently ate my pizza, I took out my diary and start completing a song but at the end of I shred the paper. A tear stream rolled down my cheeks, I am so pathetic. I raised my right hand which ran into my cheeks and they thawed, I felt something. I kept repeating it for a minute or so.

After half an hour or so I carried myself out of my apartment. I know it may be not safe to roam around at this time but what is safe in this world anyway?

Suddenly, my phone buzzed! It was a friend of mine who usually brings me morph.

"There is a party going at my place. Wanna come?" Nick text read, I replied with a yes. He lives in a frat house which isn't more than 3 blocks away from my apartment. With god's grace I found him in the crowd, he greeted me with a hug and there was also this girl Nicole,She for some weird reasons looks like Mag, especially those eyes. Nick gave me a glass of cherry soda wine which I denied, then we talked and after two or three drinks he left me with that girl.

"Wanna dance?" She asked and I pulled her closer by waist, I am so gonna show Mag what she has left.

How was this one ?

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AOTD: Water XD What about you?

And keep sharing ( give me a QOTD to ask in the next chap).

buhbye :*


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