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"So you are telling me you have never dated?"I looked at Zarleena with my eyes popping out from shock as we walked on this abandon hill. She chuckled and said," yeah, but why are you so surprised by the fact?"

"Well , you are beautiful, smart, sassy and funny. Anyone would die to date you."I told her with honesty, she stared me for a while and said," I am happy being single.I don't know,I have always been too short, too petite, too blunt, too this, too that. Its funny when they tell me that if I change myself they will date me, why they are say so sure that I will say yes? And they call me weird?" She rolled her eyes and it made me laughed, so did she. We walked in silence.

"I am sorry for being so mean," I said breaking the silence," I get mean when I am tired, um, I'm sorry Zarl."I looked at her with hope, she let out a laugh and said," it is okay, I get it and I like my new nickname, thanks for that!"

I bow down and said,"Mah pleasure, your highness."

She laughed and turned to left," We have reached our destination." Holy hot chocolate, I can't describe what I saw. I felt like I was in a fairytale. There was these beautiful trees with violet and white flowers, amidst them was a pond. I felt Silvia's hand on mine, and we walked towards what I was seeing.

We walked past the pond, near the fence and I saw the entire city.

Without exchanging a word we kept studying the city for a while. It relieved the tension in my muscles, I learned the meaning of serenity.

We then sat down facing each other, I asked her how did she find this place, to which she pointed towards an old house nearby I failed to notice," It belongs to my grand father, actually a massive plot of this hill is his. He died last month making me the owner of it. Everyone in the family wants me to sell it but I can't do it, I have spent a great amount of my life here, it holds so many memories. I don't know what to do with it."I didn't utter a word, I just pulled her closer and gave her a hug.

After few minutes of quietness we restarted our conversations, during which she told me about , the love of her life who never even bothered to notice her and that is why she never cared about someone not liking her.

" His name was Keith."She said, it struck a cord in me, I was numb unless Zarl shook me and asked me what's the matter.

"Well , I too had a Keith in my life, he was a junior and my best friend. I was fifteen when he died, no he was mudered by these big guys because they thought it would be.. it would be fun, fun to play with him. They were five, they beaten him at first and then they, they..they threw him in the pool and left him to die. I was there, I was there the whole time and saw it happening, I did nothing. I let him die, I killed him. I killed Keith."My chest felt icy as the memory flashed in front of me.

I felt her hands around me and I cried.

"Thank you for being there." I managed to say. "I don't know what to say."she kissed my for head, I snuggled in ," It's okay, dealing with death is not something humans are conditioned for." She pulled back and looked at me narrowing her eyes, " shouldn't I be the one telling you such stuff?"

I chuckled and so did she.

Days passed and our friendship grew stronger. She felt like home, Then fights overtook our bond. It was mostly about my self destructive lifestyle, but who the hell is she to tell me those stuff? Does she know how much I have tried to fix myself up? How far I have come with my fixing ? I successfully quit drinking. I am trying, I really am but she need to treat me like a broken bird. I AM NOT A BROKEN BIRD!


" Danna! Can you hear me?" I heard the fading voice of Silvia until all I saw was darkness.

I woke up to Zarl sleeping on a chair, holding my hand. My lips felt dry, my body was aching. I looked around, I was in an hospital. I tried to move my hands towards a water bottle but my hands felt weak. I groaned at my helplessness which woke up Zarl.  She stared at me for a second and in next second she was hugging me, by the third second she pulled away and told me how I got here in hysteric anger. I was here because of morphine overdose. I apologised to her for being an ass and she stayed quiet, no words. Torturing me with her silence.

Then doctor and the nurse came in and they briefed me about my condition, they said I can go but I have to go for psychotherapy and if I join a support group my recovery would be faster.

I thanked him, after signing dischargee papers Zarleena drove me home. We didn't talk all the whole time, on reaching the home she told me there is an invitation for Christmas from Mr. Richard Ramirez, my supposedly father.

I kept staring at the card, I am so not going!

Hey!! I hope you enjoyed this chapter? what do you think is gonna happen next? what do you think of #ZarDan? do comment below and press the star button as usual!

QOTD: What are you currently reading?

AOTD: just completed Dorian Gray, it was a great read!! I am also reading Maximum city, World war Z , I'm still Ella. You can find Dorian Gray and I'm still Ella on Wattpad. btw what are you reading?

Keep sharing!!

love ya :*


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