3)Can't think of Anything

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She kept digging in me, sucking on my skin and my body chose to feel nothing for Nicole, so I had to pretend that we are achieving the level of elation for a week or so, which we had attained that night when I thought her to be Mag. Should I just close my eyes and think of Maglenda? Wouldn't it be wrong to Nicole ? Does she even care? I think its because of morphine, no it must be because of Mag. See, I tried to get rid of morphine but I end up being really sick. I started taking them I guess ten months back when she left me, It was the night before our 3rd anniversary and valentine's day. I came home with gifts, cakes and food, I was literally jumping but she wasn't home. I called her, messaged her but she never replied.I searched her for a month, I went to her house where I met his brother who told me that she never loved me and is with someone else. I didn't believe him but then one day I saw her on the street, kissing this guy, I chased her for days but nothing happened. I still call her, I can't give up on her. Well, it was a double shock for me. Evidently, she left me for someone else and as far as I remember she was never into guys. That whole month I was feeling like someone ripped my skin and left my neurones exposed, but that the day my pain increased exponentially. I used to have severe episodes of chronic pain in my body. so, I end up taking morphine.

"Aah!" I snapped out from my thoughts as I felt something detaching from me, I looked up and Nicole was dressing up. I asked," um, what happened?" And she replied ," Nothing, I think I should go."

I nodded.

Later in the evening she messaged me saying that she can't do this anymore, she likes me , she always have but I am clearly not into her which is cool, she gets it but she cannot be in this one sided whatever we had. She also said that she hopes that I find someone to love as I deserve all the happiness in the world.

Happiness ? Me? I laughed at the very thought of it. I am meant to feel nothing, you know how they say that every person in your life teaches you a lesson, well, this is what mag made me realise or more like remind me. I will never forget this, never!


I thought to visit this nice Resto bar nearby, I guess it's a nice idea to take myself on date, I googled "how to be single and happy", and in result this popped up. I usually prefer walking to places, I don't know I just like it but I feel tired not because of the walk but I usually feel exhausted.

Leave it.

Honestly, right now I am happy that Mag left me and I stopped making songs. Well, as you all may know I am not that famous and the limited fan base I had has faded away. It is nice to be out here, looking at world without thousand of people blocking your way.

I stopped at the bridge and looked at the river underneath, it looked beautiful with all the lights around.

Should I jump?

Shrugging out those thoughts, I turned my heels towards my destination but my world seemed to seize, and a smile crept on my face,I saw a girl probably of my age , a bit shorter than me with specs on her baby face, clicking pictures of the view but trust me she herself was a view worth admiring. She was in normal clothing, her loose fringes fighting with wind.

She turned around and looked at me, smiled with mystified orbs, they were like a warm black coffee.

Without wasting a second I continued my walk, a part of me hated for not starting a conversation with her but then I knew I made the right decision. It was not like I was attracted towards her, you can like people without wanting them. I soon reached the bar, Ryder one of the bartender whom I have known for a while was there, he gave me a big smile.

"Hey! Where have you been all these months?" He asked.

"Just things, what about you?"

"Oh, nothing much but it has been great, by the way where is Maglenda?" The moment that name struck my ears I felt like they purged out blood. Ryder quickly gave me a glass of water. I thanked him.

He didn't say a word and looked me with concern, after having few sips of water I hope up on the stool and he asked me what I want.

"Um, mozzarella sticks and virgin mojito."

"Ouch!"I heard someone saying, I turned towards the voice and saw a girl on the ground, the one I saw on the bridge. she was staring at me like I was supposed to save her.

"Haw ,Prince Charming, didn't came to save her princess!!"I said and I have no idea why, I was sounding like those girls back at school, ugh! The girl quickly got up, adjusting her glasses she replied,"I don't need one, unlike you ma'am," and gave me a sarcastic smile.

I smirked and with out a thought, I stretched out my hand," Hi, I am Danna Ramirez."

"Zarleena Silvia."

Hello!! did you enjoy it? what do you expect out of #ZarDan? whatever is in your mind pour it all and don't forget to hit the star button. Keep sharing and in case if you haven't added this book in your library, please do it!

QOTD: That one fruit you hate the most.

AOTD: I think papayas are like the worst thing happened to the nature. ugh! what are the fruits you hate? do tell me.

love you all and thanks for reading! :*


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