The Lawyer

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Name: Joaquin [wah-KEEN] Polk

Birthdate: September 24, 2087

Nationality: African American

Hair color: Black

Eye color: Black

Height: 6 feet, 1 inch

Weight: 178 pounds

Favorite food: Shrimp gumbo

History: Joaquin grew up in a small, brick apartment along side his mother and three older sisters without ever knowing his father. The majority of his childhood was spent playing basketball with the other kids in his community, and many people claimed that he could be the next star player in the non-robotic basketball games. However, there were two things that prevented this from ever happening. The first was his deteriorating eyesight, which his family could not afford to have surgery on until it was far too late, leaving him partly blind in high school and the remainder of his life. He grew comfortable with relying on his prescribed sunglasses in order to get around, but would never directly tell anyone of his condition because he didn't want them to pity him.

The second was his general lack of interest in becoming a pro. When he was thirteen, his best friend was chased down and shot to death for a crime he never committed. He thought that such a justice system was corrupted, and felt that he could make a difference for the innocent that had been accused. Thus, he spent countless hours study and investigating the system, while practicing his public speaking skills and ability to read through people's words. He earned a full scholarship to Chermire University for his outstanding academics and achivements, something that made his entire family very proud of him.

Since Chermire University focused on arranging roommates based on the best compatiblity rather than age, Kyo Rosile was his roommate during his last two years there. Despite Kyo's occasional, bizarre behavior, the two got along greatly, and had no problems sharing a room together. Kyo introduced to him his high school friend, who preferred to be called Momo than his actual name. This became a dilemma due to the fact that Joaquin had never interacted with someone so open about their sexuality before, even though it was quite common these days. They began spending time with each other excluding Kyo, and suddenly Joaquin found himself highly attracted to this person. Before he knew it, they started dating and were quite happy about it for a while.

Then came the issue of their parents. Surprisingly, when Joaquin came out to his family, they were actually estatic that he was in love, male or not. Momo's family, on the other hand, refused to accept the relationship and never bothered to show up at their wedding. They decided that it was best to put the situation on hold for a while to focus on their goals and careers. By the time Kyo asked for Joaquin's assistance in Part 3, he had already passed his bar exam months prior. After succeeding in helping him go free, Joaquin continued to help many others, but only if they had the proper evidence. He also adopted a little girl named Sasha, who was loved dearly by her parents.

Joaquin died a tranquil old man on his death bed surrounded by loved ones at the age of 136.

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