Frew Bartholomewl

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Name: Frew Bartholomewl

Birthdate: June 7, 2090

Nationality: Chinese-German-American

Hair color: Black

Eye color: Black

Height: 4 feet, 6 inches

Weight: 75 pounds

Favorite food: Stuffed flounder

History: Despite being part of a set, Frew was considered to be the superior prodigy to his twin sister. They were educated in the same fashion when they were younger, but once his mentors had seen how well he performed and behaved in comparison, his parents allowed them to place him on a different path. His mother was highly proud of this, thus focusing all of her praise and attention on him to the point of smothering. It annoyed him to no end, yet he continued fulfilling her expectations because he was told to do so.

At age twelve, he was put under experimentation due to filling all of the requirements that his sister lacked. The scientists knew what the the meteorite implanted in his chest was capable of, so they explained the cautions to his entire family. He was no longer a child in the eyes of anyone but his mother, who spent the following decade treating him as such. Incapable of making friends, Frew developed a hobby of reading outdated books in various languages. It helped during those days that he saw his sister out playing in the yard, while he was trapped inside 'like a trophy in a glass case' as he put it. The first month was the worst, but after the meteorite completely dominated his mind, those feelings of loneliness and sadness became dull and void.

Frew was fully aware that his relatives were both horrified and disgusted by his presence, so he chose to spend most of his time in his room when his mother was busy. He grew distant with his sister, so much that he hardly noticed that she had been married off, and felt nothing when he heard of her death. As for his cousins, Eugene would come into his room to talk until he realized Frew was unable to age, while Wolfgang would simply glare at him whenever they crossed paths. Other than that, his company was mainly in the form of fairies, which were his favorite creatures.

Kyo's arrival at the mansion was his saving grace. By then he had grown tired of the same routine, and deep down wanted to be human again to regain the childhood he had lost, even though he would never admit it to anyone. So he joined Kyo on his own free will, using his abilities to assist in everything the group needed. Before he had rarely bothered to use them, only when no one else was around to scold him for creating such 'useless creatures'. Interacting with other people had an unusual effect on his mind, causing the emotions that had laid dormant all this time to resurface. However, he refused to reveal this to anyone since he had no idea how this was possible, and kept up his blank facade for several more years. What he didn't know was that the meteorite weakens after extended use, but this was only discovered long after Frew had his removed.

It wasn't until the court session with his parents that he finally felt liberated from them. Since his emotions were slowly returning, Frew held a powerful grudge against them for forcing him to become a science experiment. He wasn't afraid to confess to what they had done, and was satisfied to know that this was illegal for numerous reasons. After his parents were taken into custody, Frew never bothered contacting them again, and lived the rest of his life never knowing what happened to them.

Finding comfort in Kyo's library, Frew spent most of his life in there after their journey, searching through each shelf to see what new book he might discover. Kyo was always willing to provide assistance, and Frew respected Kyo despite being unable to understand him. Kyo did and said many things that only Shinta seemed to comprehend, which secretly made Frew jealous. He had to support Kyo during Part 4 while Shinta was away after Diana's death, yet didn't mind it at all. He would have regretted it if something happened to Kyo that he could have prevented, and he realized this after he found Kyo nearly bleeding to death in the shower from both head trauma and scratches all over his body.

Finally, after twenty years of owning unique powers and limited immortality, Frew had his meteorite removed by a friend of Shinta's who was also a scientist. He thought he could handle his humanity returning since it would leak in occasionally, but it wound up being more than he imagined. What he had felt before that had baffled him for so many years was only a minuscule of an actual emotion. In reality, they were far more foreign and intense, to the point that it would scare him at times. There were many days when he would discover that there were other emotions he could feel, many of which were a mix of feelings he couldn't explain in words. It took a solid six years before he fully adapted to this change.

As Frew matured, he developed a relationship with Dolly. They had spent time alone with each other countless times before, yet it wasn't until after the surgery he even considered having that type of relationship. Eventually, they moved in together and would visit everyone else on occasion, then soon wondered if this meant they should consider marriage. Frew had been hesitant about it for years, not sure if he could even be capable if being a decent husband, but he never got the chance to make the final decision. Dolly died in the hospital due to lung complications, causing Frew to mourn for someone's death for the first time in his life. He missed her sincerely, and regretted not providing her with an answer after she had waited patiently for so long.

After Dolly's death, Frew returned to Kyo's estate to resume reading in the library. He happily accepted the company of all his nieces and nephews who would pop in to say hello, and watched them grow up along side Kyo and Shinta. He also had the misfortune of seeing them die for numerous reasons, and he learned that Furries naturally have a short life expectancy. This made him concerned as Kyo kept aging, but Kyo had lived long enough for Frew to emotionally prepare for it to soften the blow. It surprised him though to see how well Shinta had taken it, yet he didn't understand why until after Shinta passed away as well.

Frew spent the reminder of his life supporting the family in Shinta's place. He wasn't in full control of the estate since that had gone to someone else in Shinta's will, but he was fine with playing the role of the supervisor instead. It seemed like he had somehow stopped aging fifty years down the road, which he assumed meant that Shinta's friend had made a miscalculation in the side effects. He was still able to function normally though, so he saw no reason to complain. Yet there were times when he felt like his old creations would come back in his dreams, and it felt so vivid and real he questioned what it could have meant.

Frew died at age 207 from unknown causes. He was the only human being to ever live past 150, and thus the oldest man in existance.

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