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Name: Shou Greenwind

Birthdate: July 14, 2097

Nationality: Japanese-German-American

Hair color: Blonde (Formerly Black)

Eye color: Black

Height: 5 feet, 5 inches

Weight: 219 pounds

Favorite Food: Gushers

History: Shou's father died before he entered elementary school, so his mother was the only person he could rely on while growing up. Due to his excessive weight, he was constantly teased by fellow classmates for being unusual and resembling a pig. He didn't fight back because he didn't want to be an inconvenience to his mother, and it wasn't until he couldn't handle it anymore that he finally told her. Truthfully, there was a fitness program that most people with obesity genetics use in order to become healthy and gain an acceptable appearance, but his mother didn't sign up for it since she felt that it was a humiliating process that wasn't necessary and one should be content with their natural body. Thus, rather than make her son go through that, she fought against the school time and time again to punish the same bullies.

The Underground Society released a limited, one-time offer to allow anyone over the age of thirteen to learn the advanced methods of hacking. Shou had already known the basics, so he decided to sign up to see if he could be useful outside of school. He was one of the five children that had been accepted, and everything had been taught to him online, which meant he could learn in secret without leaving the house. Out of the five, he was the one who held the highest marks, allowing him to be assigned a guardian and given missions like the standard, expert adults. His guardian put up with his bad eating habits and occasional know-it-all comments, and how calmly he handled it compared to the other agents earned Shou's respect.

Eventually, Shou was forced to go through metamorphosis without having time to warn his mother. He did manage to tell his guardian, who explained to him what was going on since he had been panicking at the time, and it's this information that allowed Kyo and the others to encounter Shou just as he was finishing the process. His guardian hadn't expected him to change so soon, or even mutate in such a manner, though it did provide much information about Insect Furries in general. The transformation expanded beyond his physical appearance, and once he returned to school he was able to make friends. He chose not to go to college, instead opting for a full time membership in The Underground Society. His mother fully supported his decision.

Shou died suddenly at the age of 28. It was presumed a heart attack, but some theorize that he had actually reached the end of his lifespan as an Insect Furry like his father. Judging by the statistics this seems to be the case, yet the real answer remains unknown.

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