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Name: Morice Richingston

Birthdate: February 14, 2090

Nationality: American Mutt (German, French, British, Yugoslavian, Estonian, Finnish)

Hair color: Brown (Dyed green and orange)

Eye color: Brown

Height: 5 feet, 3 inches

Weight: 137 pounds

Favorite food: Choco Banana Cake Bars

History: Momo was blessed with all the riches anyone could wish for, and the attention a narcissist would die for. Spoiled rotten right after he was born, he was constantly cared for and supervised by attractive, teenage girls who were hoping to become organic models through his father's connections. His family was responsible for manufacturing and inventing new fabrics to be shaped and sewn together into fashionable outfits to fit on androids. It was a very serious business since technology could easily advance far enough to force them into bankruptcy, so they were always kept on their toes.

As his mother had predicted, Momo was much more fascinated with the clothing aspect of the trade rather than the fabrics that go into it. What she didn't expect was that Momo would reject taking over the family business in order to pursue a dream as both a fashion desginer and an organic model. His parents thought it would be nearly impossible, but decided not to argue on it and simply support him to the best of their ability. They even paid for him to go to the best college they could find that specialized in fashion and modeling.

During his school life, Momo was highly enthustastic about making new friends and cared deeply about the monthly popularity rankings in his high school. Overall, his personal ranking was always in the top ten, but he never made it into the top five or above. He noticed that there was one person, Kyo Rosile, who was exactly one rank above him every single time. In the beginning, he had chosen to interact with this person just to see how he could be better than him so he could climb higher to the top, yet over time he learned that Kyo didn't even care about the rankings. Momo found Kyo's modesty and gentleness to be admirable, and soon enough they became close friends.

While Momo and Kyo were at separate colleges, they kept in contact and would meet up on a weekly basis. Eventually, Kyo introduced him to Joaquin, who was similar to Kyo in terms of kindness. However, Momo had been used to openly expressing his homosexuality ever since his parents accepted it in middle school, so it confused him how Joaquin seemed so uncomfortable around him at first. He helped Joaquin come to terms with the fact that he was also attracted to males, and they wound up becoming a couple. Unfortunately, his parents were against their marriage, not because he was a male, but because he was an African American. Momo was so baffled by their apparent closed mindedness, he never spoke to his parents ever again and moved on without them. He managed to accomplish his dreams and spent the rest of his life working under a former rival company.

In the last few years of Momo's life, he developed major spinal and cranial problems he couldn't afford to pay professional surgery to repair without his parent's funds. He died at age 63 in the hospital shortly after Joaquin had come to say goodbye, knowing there was a good chance he wouldn't survive the less expensive surgery.

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