Bammy & Moosica

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Name: Rachel Down

Birthdate: December 27, 2084

Nationality: American Mutt (Irish, Swedish, Dutch, Swiss, Canadian)

Hair color: White

Eye color: Light blue

Height: 5 feet, 2 inches

Weight: 129 pounds

Favorite food: Cucumber sandwiches


Name: Govinda Perks

Birthdate: May 8, 2084

Nationality: American Mutt (Spanish, French, Turkish, Cuban, Mexican, Brazillian)

Hair color: Black

Eye color: Brown

Height: 6 feet, 0 inches

Weight: 152 pounds (Excluding breasts)

Favorite Food: Goat cheese sandwiches

History: Rachel and Govinda first met when they were working together on the television show 'Barnyard Furries'. They were both in their early twenties at that time, so they got along very well despite being surrounded by a much younger cast. The show was canceled after its second season, yet they still kept in touch. During that time, they exchanged odd questions that brought about suspicion when the other knew the exact answer, and eventually they looked into each other's backgrounds. It was shocking to both of them when they discovered that they had been set up by The Underground Society on purpose to see how they would react to meeting a fellow agent.

Rachel had signed up a month after the website was founded. She initially thought it was a joke, just a bunch of people running around pretending to be agents, but when she received her first mission, the reality of the situation became clear. As for Govinda, she had heard of it through her various internet friends, and decided to see what it was all about. They were both kidnapped and forced into rigorous training at one point, which was meant to make all new members realize that there was no turning back. Had they chosen a different profession in the organization, the results would have been different.

The two decided to team up in order to increase their chances of receiving casual missions as fake couples. However, as time went on, their faux romance soon blossomed into an authentic one, and on their fourth year of becoming a pair they got married. Their 'guardian' in the organization approved of this, so they continued performing simple, undercover missions as they were. They deeply respected their guardian, who only wished for their happiness, even if they never encountered him face to face. After they learned of his true identity via broadcasts, their feelings for him did not falter.

They still acted out as agents as they aged considerably, which earned them much admiration from other spies. The frequently of missions also dwindled, leaving them plenty of time to live their lives peacefully as a couple. They chose to spend most of their vacations at the same farm where they met Kyo and Shinta, and would sometimes find themselves being contacted by the two, who already knew about everything long before they confessed to them. They never crossed paths with Kyo and Shinta again after the wedding, but they enjoyed the fact that they weren't forgotten.

Rachel passed away at age 69 from natural causes, while Govinda died at age 71 during a suicide mission.

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