Chapter 2: First Meeting and Samyang

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Chapter 2: First Meeting and Samyang  

Jennie couldn't stay still and being the first one to finish dressing up didn't help a bit. She stood up to fiddle with the enormous set of make-ups in their dressing room. Then she darted to Lisa's side and tried to convince her friend to party with her and play PUBG.

"No." Lisa said, eyes closed while their image stylist applied her eyeshadow. "I can't concentrate and I'm gonna die five minutes in."

"I'll protect you." Jennie insisted.

Lisa opened her left eye. "No. And why are so excited?"

Jennie's body literally snapped back in shock. "What are you talking about?"

"We know it's your first challenge with V. Don't be too excited." Lisa grinned and closed her eyes entirely again. Even their make-up artist couldn't help laughing at Jennie's constipated look. "Just be natural."

"I'm not excited." Jennie argued. "I'm fucking hyperventilating over here."

"Language." Their manager snapped as she popped up beside them. "I'm hoping you don't take this cursing on screen Jennie. I've already heard from Rima PD all about it."

Jennie clamped her lips and maimed zipping it up. She heard Rose chuckling at her while getting her hair done across the room. Deciding that no one really wanted to help her calm her nerves, Jennie stood up and excused herself from the room. She debated going downstairs for a matcha frappe but realized she was instructed not to take any empty calories for the day.

The hallway was packed with other idols that were to perform for KBS special event. BlackPink was invited to sing 'As if it's Your Last' for the fifth act. She checked her wristwatch and saw she had to burn four more hours before the show starts. Now would be a good time to make a quick run and film today's challenge with V. If only she could locate the man.

Jennie could easily ask one of the staff where BTS room was located but that was something that she would avoid if her last breath depended on it. She planned to make it through this whole ordeal without meeting any more bangtan members.

One of her secret place to play quietly was every building's fire exit. She was already familiar where KBS's was so she headed there. As she went down the steps, her heart jumped through her throat when she saw V.

The first thing that went through her mind was no one was allowed to look that handsome. It was simply against all nature. Then she saw the dark expression on his beautiful face, which should be caused by the girl crying in front of him with uncontrollable trembling.

"What are you doing?" If Jennie thought V's voice was already too deep in BTS songs, it was nothing hearing it from this distance and laced with anger. "We already talked about not seeing each other in public."

"I can't," the girl said. "I can't do this anymore. It's killing me."

V's expression turned grimmer. He leaned his right hand on the wall and stared down at the girl. "I can't do any more than this."

The girl's figure shook even harder. "I just love you so much."

"And I care about you but---"

Jennie registered too late that this was a private conversation that she has nothing to do with. Slowly inching backwards, Jennie didn't stop until her back hit the fire exit door. She peeled it off carefully and bolted from there.

Her cheeks were red when she came back to the dressing room. Lisa was already done with her make-up and her brow quirked in curiosity seeing how hard she was breathing. "You saw V?"

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