Chapter 3: First Love and Nail Polish

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Chapter 3: First Love and Nail Polish

Jennie was sixteen years old when she first had a private conversation with YG Entertainment Inc. President, Yang Hyun-Suk. She was ushered into his office and was instructed to only respond to his questions and not to touch any of his prized toys. She remembered the feeling of panic, of fear of being kicked out of the program for not doing enough. Yet YG only asked her what she thought she lacked the most.

Jennie could claim there were few things she was bad at and one of them was expressing her emotions. She was constantly scolded by her dance trainer for her lack of right expressions for dancing. There were lots of instances where her trainer had to stop her in the middle of practicing just to snap at her that her face looked like rock.

For Jennie, it was impossible. How can someone show their passion through projecting? She was only interested in dancing and she knew she was good at it. She could smile, laugh and smirk. Shouldn't that be enough?

Afterwards, YG enrolled her at a special drama class. It was one of those classes where trainees from other agencies go together. It was composed of six sessions and so they were only required meet every Saturday.

Jennie was a train wreck the first day. She didn't know anyone from her company who attended the same class. She almost regretted confessing to YG about her problem if only she could avoid being subjected to that hell. The first day was spent with Jennie sitting at the farthest back and only listening to their instructor lecture. She watched as her classmates volunteered for demonstration and dreaded the time she would have to do the same.

The second meeting, Jennie was prepared. She brought a book with her and planned to read in the back inconspicuously. The plan was almost successful. The session ended without Jennie participating and interacting with anyone. She stood up and was about to gather her things when an arm suddenly sneaked behind her and pulled her closer.

Jennie gasped and almost hurt her neck as she looked at the imbecile who thought it was a good idea to touch her without permission. "Who. The. Fuck." she injected poison at each word and glowered at the chubby teen smiling shyly at her.

"Sorry." The teen bit his lips and gestured at his companion to leave them alone. Jennie didn't think her eye brow could go up any higher. This dude would soon learn a painful reason in ten second not to lay a finger on her. "I need to uh...lend my jacket to you."

"And why would I want your jacket?" Jennie asked slowly as if speaking to a child. "Other than to choke you with it right now if you don't remove your filthy hands from me."

The other reddened slightly. " have a bit of problem here."

"What are you talking about?"

"You have a spot in your jeans." He explained, appearing more flustered. "Red spot."

It took Jennie ten seconds for the statement to dawn on her. She reached behind her back and felt her butt. There was a wet spot in it and Jennie pulled back her hand to see some red smudge.

They both stared at it.

"Huh." Jennie said. "I didn't even know I'll have my period. It's the first time."

The boy looked lost at what to say. Jennie took pity for him and grabbed his jacket. She wrapped it around her waist in silence then took some wet wipes from her small bag. She wiped her hand and glanced at her fidgeting classmate.

"Thank you." Jennie said sincerely. "And sorry for cursing at you earlier."

"It's fine." The boy played with his hands and looked up at her demurely. "I'm Park Jimin by the way."

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