Chapter 6: Relinquishing a Dream and Starting Another

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Jennie was slow on the uptake of just how much she and Taehyung flirted on-screen. It was only when Jisoo made her watch the episode again, squealing and cackling around that she realized she openly rode Taehyung's flirtatious jokes and even initiated too much skin ship. Jennie fervently wish she wouldn't be put into a situation with anyone under the influence of alcohol again.

She sat up in bed after kicking out Jisoo, not having the appropriate mental equipment to handle her teasing in the morning. Scrolling through her phone with a foggy brain, she went through the comments and couldn't help the small laugh that escaped her lips with the hilarious ones. She laughed at one comment that said, 'i feel so attacked when jennie grabbed taehyung's face like bizz, my fangirl self is yelling no fucking no but my inner pervert mind is yelling go grab a motel huhu idk anymore'.

Jennie could relate to them on a spiritual level. She used to fangirl so much about Bi Rain and Song Hye Kyo that she would be torn every time if she wanted Rain to kidnap her and do dirty things to her or if she wanted Rain to kidnap Song Hye Kyo instead on a faraway island and do dirty things to her.

Jennie took up a screenshot of a fan that said 'the way taehyung looks at jennie. he's looking at her like she's a complete course of meal' and sent it to Taehyung. She then browsed Naver, studying whether the episode made an impact on her group's value because in the end, it was for Blackpink that she was doing this. She was pleased to see hers and Taehyung's name trending on number one. The article said 'Jennie and Taehyung: The Most Successful Online Couple This Year'.

A bubble head of Taehyung's face appeared on her screen, indicating he had seen her screenshot but Jennie waited to see what his reply was, overridden by her interest in the article. She couldn't help the amusement that she felt while reading. It said that her pairing with Taehyung had quickly garnered millions of followers and they were the most successful pair yet in the online dating challenge. Monster companies were said to already courting both of the couple's companies for projects and advertisement in order to jump in the bandwagon.

She took a screenshot of the article again and sent it to Taehyung. She chuckled at Taehyung's reply to her first screenshot which was a gif of him wiggling his brows suggestively. After chatting with Taehyung about their next challenge which was to wear matching piece for today's MBC special episode, Jennie quickly got out of bed to join her groupmates in preparing for the event.

They were picked up by their manager at 7 am and was whirled into their 'misery food' as they liked to call it. Nothing but proteins and proteins to keep them for the day, Jennie wolfed down her share of tofu and chicken breast before hurriedly squeezing on an ab and leg work out. They finished prepping their body at around 11 am and they practiced their number with their instructor until 12:45 pm.

Now pumped up, Jennie and her mates ate their lunch before finally heading out to the venue for a dry-run on stage. There were already some fans with their special passes in the stadium when Blackpink arrived. Jennie was dressed in simple Adidas pajamas and oversized sweatshirt as they were briefed by the stage director. They listened to his instructions, where they could enter, how much of the area they could cover and emergency signal if something malfunctioned.

They were allowed five minutes to practice their dance before they could go to their dressing room and start preparing for the actual event which would be at 8 pm. Jennie took the stage with her groupmates then and begun practicing their number. She was not wearing any black shades today so her eyes must look puffy to the fan cameras filming them.

It was only after they finished their practice that she noticed a boy group standing in the far corner of the crowd. Jennie's brow raised when she recognized them as BTS without Jimin and Yoongi. If she wasn't wearing her earbuds, she was sure she would hear them coming because of the fangirls' loud cries for them.

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