Chapter 4: Heart Break and Ice Cream

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Chapter 4: Heart Break and Ice Cream

Jennie was sure the ice cream was slowly killing all the nerves in her hands. She transferred the ice cream container to her other hand and barely restrained herself from cursing Taehyung out loud. She glowered at the people that gave her curious looks.

She hoped the bidder who won today's episode would at least enjoy the sight of her and Taehyung massacring this massive ice cream. Jennie originally wanted to buy the small cups but his partner strictly told her to bring the biggest tub in the store.

Now if only Taehyung would appear and rescue her from where she was standing in BigHit's lobby.


She froze.

"Ice cream challenge?" Jimin stepped closer and peered at the container in her hand.

Jennie didn't think she could talk so she just gave a small nod.

Jimin looked uncertain as he stood in front of her. She was reminded of the time he approached her about her first period. "Do you want some?"

"No." Jimin started shaking his head. "I'm on a diet. I'm not allowed sugars for a while."

"But you're already too thin." Jennie said, despite of her own battle with her weight. When it comes to Jimin, she failed to see any imperfection.

Jimin smiled tightly. "Isn't that what girls like?"

To think that Jimin would think so horrified her. She was about to talk to him seriously about girls and their needs when one of the elevators opened and revealed Yoongi. His eyes immediately locked on them.

"Jiminie." Yoongi called out, barely sparing Jennie a glance. "Let's go?"

Jimin nodded. "Sure. Goodbye Jennie."

"Yeah." Jennie bit her lip. "See ya."

Something like anger flashed through Jimin's eyes but it quickly went away as he turned his back and exited the building with Yoongi.

"Hey." Taehyung called loudly from the fire exit and ran to her side. "You got it?"

"Yeah." Jennie lifted the package, distracted.

Taehyung peered at her closely. "Something's wrong?"

Jennie frowned in contemplation. She wanted to ask Taehyung whether Yoongi didn't like her or something but in the end, it was not her problem. Nobody was inclined to like her at all.

"Why did you come from the fire exit?" Jennie changed the subject but remembered the last time she saw Taehyung in that place. It was too late to shift her question now.

Taehyung shrugged and reached for the package in her numb hand. "I like to take the stairs sometimes. Most of the times actually."

"What, from the eighth floor?"

"Why not?" Taehyung questioned back. "Burned extra calories."

"I hope we won't be taking the stairs again." Jennie said wearily. "I just came from a really toxic practice."

"Don't worry about it. I don't want to scar you for life because of our stairs. You might start thinking I'm barbaric or something."

"There's no way." Jennie deadpanned and followed Taehyung to the elevator.

They were both silent as the elevator went up to the highest floor. Not inclined to start a conversation, Jennie opted to watch Taehyung out of the corner of her eyes. The man was currently typing on his phone and she wondered if it was his secret lover he was texting. She almost asked him about it, curious about how one famous idol could hide a secret so well.

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