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"Sam I don't even know what to do anymore"I said to the phone. I heard him sigh. "Well,Dean like a lot of people have been trying to tell you. FUCKING TELL HIM"he yelled.

"Thanks I'm now deaf in my right ear. But I can't."I replied. "Oh my god"he sighed. "I know. I know"I whispered.

"No. Gabriel's on the counter. Wait Gabriel don't do that you gonna..........fall"and I heard a big thud.

"I'm gonna call you back"he said. "Yep"I said and hung up. I shook my head.

I walked over to my couch and sat down and just thought. "What the fuck am I doing?"I whispered. Just than I heard a knock.

"Hy deany"Charlie walked in. "Why do you knock when you can just walk in. I gave you a key for a reason."I told her. She laughed.

"Cause I like to. Anyway I brought drinks and I really wanna get drunk"she sat next to me. "Why?"I asked.

"Cause Cassie has a date with Dickazar. And Sam and Gabriel are being lazy"she told me.

"So I'm the last option?"I asked. "Yep"she got out he drinks.

"Fuck it."I shrugged.

Many drinks later

"She was totally into me until her 'boyfriend' walked over and took her away"she started to tell her favourite story. "Charlie you always tell this story."I told her.

She laughed.

Than it was silent. Something that never happens when you are with Charlie. "We're losing him"she whispered. I gave her a look.

"Castiel. That jerk is gonna take him away"she looked down. She never uses his real name unless she's being serious.

I can't lose him. Than I'll be stuck with Gabe. And that doesn't sound fun"she smirked. I nodded. "Sam seems to like to be around Gabe. Course their best friends"I told her.

She nodded. "Promise me you'll tell him."she gave me a look. "You always want to know what to do. Tell him. Dean he already loves you. And he'll love you more when you tell him"she explained.

I bit my lip. "Ain't that easy"I whispered. "Heh. Guess your right. It's not like he chooses you every Tuesday. Instead of me. Sam. His own brother."she shrugged.

"Charlie"I shook my head. "Dean he's gonna get hurt. And he's to weak to leave"she shook her head.

"I'll try"I nodded. She laughed. "Yeah. I better head home. I'm sober enough. "She got up and walked to the door. "Life is interesting Dean. Things happen. Good or bad. But the choices that we get to make in life,they always make the future better. Because we chose it,not life"she walked out and left.

I cleaned up and went off to bed. Hoping tomorrow will be ok.

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