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It's been three weeks and Castiel moves in. Jack had all his stuff in his room and it finally felt like home. "Jack, come downstairs"I yelled. After a couple seconds he did. "What's up?"I asked.

"Didn't I say no more fighting"I said. Cas smirked at me. "What?"Jack asked. "I said no more fight and than I get this is the mail"I handed him the paper.

He read it and smiled. "So it's official. I'm your son?"he asked. "You are officially Jack Winchester. Now we just need to wait on Cas."I smirked. He laughed and also started to cry.

"Hey it's ok kid"I hugged him. "Thank you so much Dean. This means the world to me"he said. I nodded. "I'm glad your happy."I said. Than Cas hugged me. "Your a family"he said. I kissed him.

"We're a family"I said.

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