Chapter 7: I finally met the boys.

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"Shoot! Are you okay, Love?" Someone yells. Two boys are suddenly by my side, and I feel like I may pass out. Tears are forming in my eyes, and I probably have a big bruise on my forehead, where the door hit me. "I am so sorry! I should've watched where I was going and oh my gosh. She's gonna pass out! Niall, go get Louis, Zayn, and Liam." I open my eyes slightly and find the one person I least expected to be gripping my hand as I almost pass out. Harry Styles. 

He takes the sunglasses off of my face and puts them next to me. 

"What's your name? Actually, that doesn't matter right now. Who did you come with, and do you have a phone?" 

"Back pocket, and my Aunt. Her contact is Aunt Mae." I mumble. "Oh, and I'm Brielle." 

"That's such a pretty name." He comments. He finds my phone in my purse, and the other four come out. 

"You hit a girl with a door?" Liam asks. 

"Don't judge me! I don't know what to do! She's like passing out." 

"Yeah, she is like passing out. Take her to the hospital!" 

"You have to come with me and call her Aunt! I don't know what to to about someone passing out!" 

"You're telling me that you're not Harry Styles, and you've never seen someone pass out?" 

"I've seen people pass out, Liam. But I've never hit someone in the face with a door." 

"You're gonna have to carry her, she can't walk." Zayn speaks up. 

"It's okay, she's skinny and I can lift her." 

Harry lifts me up, and I close my eyes. I'm gonna pass out in a second, I can just feel it. 

"Don't forget her purse and sunglasses!" Harry calls to Liam. Liam comes running after us, and so does Niall. 

"We're all gonna come to the hospital anyway. I might as well sit in the back with her and make sure she doesn't die." 

"Die?" Harry asks. 

"I'm kidding." They have Niall get in first, and then Harry puts me in, and has me lay down. Niall has me put my head in his lap so he can see if I pass out. 

"Do you think she's a fan of us?" Niall asks them. 

"That doesn't matter right now, Niall." 

"I am." I mumble. "Don't worry."  

"Hello?" Liam asks into my phone. "Hi! My name is Liam, and my friend Harry hit your niece with a door, and she's about to pass out. We have her, and we're driving her to the local hospital." I assume that's my Aunt, and I start calming down a little. 

"I think she's out." Niall calls right before I actually do pass out.

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