Chapter 64: My Birthday Present.

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"Dinner!" Mom calls up the stairs. All ten teenagers from upstairs come sprinting down the stairs and outside. Lilly and Emma showed up a little bit after the boys did, and it's been so crowded in my room. We have a total of fifteen, so we have to drag three chairs up to the table.

"Hello Harry." Dad says as he pushes past him.

"Hello Mr. Anderson, nice to see you." I get seated in between Harry and Lilly, like I kinda expected to be. Mom wouldn't tell me what she was making for dinner, so when she brings out hamburgers, pasta salad, and fruit, I almost cry tears of joy. I know, it sounds lame, but I literally love hamburgers, and pasta salad, and fruit.

"So Brielle, what did you get for your birthday?" My aunt asks as she takes a bite of pasta salad.

"The only person who has given me anything yet is Harry, and he got me a giant teddy bear and a locket."

"Awh that's adorable." She gushes.

We finish eating a little later, and we move on to cake. The cake has a picture of me the day I was born, and it's actually super embarrassing.

"Harry, which part of the face would you like?" Mom asks as she picks up a knife. "You're the boyfriend, you get to pick which part of her face you want to eat."

Harry laughs quietly to himself and studies the picture carefully as he tries to decide.

"The nose is pretty cute."

"She had a little button nose." Dad butts in as mom cuts the cake. "She still does."

"Not much has changed since this picture." Harry tells him.

"I wish that was true."

We all sit around eating cake, laughing, and just talking. It's such a good birthday, and I don't know if it could ever be topped.

"Wanna see your present?" Dad asks me as I take my last bite of cake. I nod my head quickly, and he gestures for me to get up. Mom covers my face with her hands and starts having me walk. I honestly don't know what's going on.

"Okay." Mom says quietly. She takes her hands off of my face and instructs me to open.

"You did not." I laugh as I cover my face. "You got me a car?"

"Silver BMW." Dad says as he leans against it. "All for you. All yours."


"Are we almost done? I wanna go." I complain.

"Almost." Lilly promises. She won't let me see what she did with my hair or makeup until after she's done. Emma already picked out my dress and currently has it laying down on my bed. Lilly makes me get in the dress before I can look, and I'm kinda nervous.

The dress is a dark red, and it's pretty tight. There's a strip of black lace around the waist where you can see my skin, and they match it with black pumps. She lets me turn around and look in the mirror finally, and she straightened my hair, like I knew, and did a cool smokey eye.

"Look at you, little miss gorgeous." 

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