Chapter 45: Getting thrown in.

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We decide to stay by the pool all day today, and I'm pretty happy about it. Zayn and I grab a seat, and the other four run into the water. 

"Zayn scared to swim?" I ask. 

"Brielle scared to swim?" He mocks. 

"No, I just don't want to right now. I'll teach you to swim." 


"Oh common. I won't do what my parents did." 

"What did they do?" He asks. 

"They literally picked me up, and threw me in the water. I had no choice but to swim." 

"That's cruel." 

"I thought so too at the time, but I learned to swim within twenty minutes, and it was a lot less painless than it could've been." 

"True, I would've just been scared for my life." 

"Trust me. I was." I close my eyes and relax a little bit. I'm gonna have to go home soon, and I'm not ready to have to deal with my dad. I mess with my fingers as I think about what I'll say to him. It's hard with him. Everything that you say could set something off and could ruin the entire situation. I feel someone grab my hands, and someone else grab my feet, and I start kinda freaking out.

"Louis! Niall! Put me down!" I yell with a laugh. 

"Sorry babe. No can do." 

"Harry help!" 

"Zayn take a picture!" Harry replies. 

"I literally hate you all so much. Niall. Louis. Please. I'm begging. Please put me down." 

"Alright." Niall agrees. They count down before throwing me in the water. They both jump in after me, and I'm seriously going to hurt them. 

"I can't believe you guys!" I say as I start splashing them. They start splashing me back, and it's bad for me. Two boys against one girl, it's really not fair. Somebody grabs my waist and lifts me up so I can't splash them anymore. 

"You guys are the worst people I've ever met." I decide as Harry puts me on his shoulders and walks around the pool. 

"Oh you love us." Liam laughs. I start messing with Harry's hair, and he seems to actually like it. 

"And common Brielle. You have a brother. Are you actually trying to tell us that you've never played rough with anyone?" 

"I have. It's just never been five against one." I point out. 

"It's not five against one. Zayn usually sides with you." 

"So four against two. Which is why Zayn is my favorite, and probably always will be." 

"Don't worry Brielle. We'll get them back for this!" Zayn yells. 


Harry's car pulls into my driveway, and my parents aren't home yet. Fabulous, Dad will never find out. 

"Thanks for the ride, and thanks for letting me stay with you for these past couple of days." 

"No problem, thanks for putting up with us five for these past couple of days. I'll call you later." I smile as I get out of the car and shut the door. He waits in the driveway while I make sure I can get into the house, and I wave to him as I unlock the door. I quickly run upstairs to unpack my bag and get into the shower so I don't smell like chlorine when they get home. I need to keep quiet about these past couple of days. Don't give dad anything that would make him think I wasn't here and at Lilly's the entire time. 

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