Chapter 65: Harry hold on to this one.

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Emma and Lilly get dressed and ready before we decide to go downstairs. The guys are all downstairs waiting, and I feel bad that we made them wait for us.

"No she was so annoying when she was little. She'd run around in just a diaper with a bowl on her head singing The Wiggles. She probably still knows every word." I hear Derek say as we come downstairs.

"Really Derek?" I ask as I put my hands on my hips and stare at him. Harry's staring at me, and I really really love it.

"Good job Lilly. You made her look kinda decent." Derek comments.

"Oh please, she always looks hot." Lilly argues.

"Okay Harry. Don't let her go. I'm not saying it in a protective big brother sort of way because I'm not about that life. But you'd be honestly so stupid if you let her get away."

"Trust me, I know." Harry promises him as he takes my hand.

Lilly hands me a bag, and I give her a questioning look.

"You're spending the night at the hotel. We're not gonna be done tonight until super late, so you're just staying over."

"Where are my parents?" I ask as I look around.

"They left. Your dad didn't want to see you in your clubbing clothes." 

"Understandable." I giggle.

Emma and Lilly ride in Lilly's car. Harry, Louis, and I ride in Harry's car, and Liam, Niall, and Zayn ride in Liam's car. It's pretty quiet on the way there, but suddenly my phone starts buzzing loudly.

"Hello?" I ask as I answer the phone.

"Hey honey." Dad says on the other line. "So, I'd like to get to know Harry. I wanna give him a chance."

"You do?" I ask in shock.

"I do. It wasn't fair of me to just assume. Is there any time he and I can just hang out?"

I put my phone to my chest and turn towards Harry.

"My dad wants to get to know you sometime. Is there any time you're free?"

"I can do tomorrow, I can actually do anytime the rest of this week."

"How about tomorrow?" I ask dad on the phone. 

"Yeah, that's fine. What does he want to do?"

"You both like golfing."

"I love golfing!" Harry chimes in.

"Yeah that sounds good to me. I'll see him tomorrow."

Dad hangs up, and I put my phone back in my purse.

"This seems like a setup." I admit.

"I don't think it is, plus, I'll be able to tell if it is."

He pulls into the club and I honestly don't know what I'm getting myself in to.

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