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It's improbable for someone to look exactly like you. Even identical twins differ in slight ways. It can be a mole, a different height, or a slightly bigger head. Everyone is unique. But maybe I'm an exception.

As far as I know, I'm not adopted. I have lived with my parents for my 17 years of existence, with baby pictures as proof. Nor am I a clone, an alien, or a robot. Yet with all this proof, I might still have to rethink.

I have a double. Or a twin. Or whatever you want to call it.

I know that there's a small chance that a stranger could possibly look like you but that's not the case here. When I saw him, he looked like what I always see as myself in the mirror. Though, I didn't feel scared nor unsettled, I felt curious. 

I found out a week ago about this and I have been stalking him ever since. Hey, don't judge. I'm sure that if you saw someone who looks exactly how you do, you'd do the same. 

Apparently, he studies at Myeon Jae High School, one of the most prestigious performance arts high schools in Seoul. Weird. Myeon Jae High School has ties with my school, Ji Won High School. They're considered sister schools because of the same owner.

We have the same face, height, voice, walk, hand gestures, everything. I'm starting to have doubts whether I've been living my authentic self or we're programmed to look and be the same thing.

We're also very good-looking. Not that I think I'm good-looking or anything, but I'm pretty sure people generally like our appearance. That may not be true for everyone though.

Every passing day, I grow more and more curious about him. I have so much questions, so confused as to how we are so similar.

I'm pretty sure I'm going to ask him eventually. I just want to find the right time.

Coincidentally, my father who owns Myun Jae and Jiwon had me transferred to the former, where my "twin" studies, because Ji Won will be undergoing renovation.

I just hope no one finds who I am. At least not until I find out more about him.

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