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Hyun Jae Han's POV

Apparently, the guy who looks like me also has the same personalities as I have. I've been stalking him all day yesterday, observing his behavior and eavesdropping his conversations with other people. 

You might think that what I'm doing is creepy, maybe it is, but hey, at least I'm not stalking in a sexual way? Maybe I'm not stalking, at all. I'm spying. There we go. Wait, is spying better thㅡ forget it.

I also talked to his friends, which is both hard and easy. Easy as I had no trouble trying to be him because we look exactly the same, sound exactly the same and act exactly the same. Hard as I had to make up hundreds of alibis and reasons for my, or should I say Woo Seok's, whereabouts. It was nerve wracking and I think I've irritated most of them because I sounded like Woo Seok who instantly developed a mild case of dementia, but they were kind enough to tell me things that I've quote  'forgotten' unquote. Everything was awkward, some of his friends had this weird handshake thing that I didn't know and it ended up a mess and a half. Good thing I got the hang of it fairly quickly. Names were easy too because I already had an extensive analysis(stalking) of his social media.

He's popular so I had to talk to a lot of people, and talk as if I know those lot of people. I also had to think about excuses as many were suspicious of me. Good thing, I have a lot of charms to throw when they find me fishy.

The most awkward conversation was with his best friends, Park Kyung Han and Ahn Mi Seon. I never knew that trying to be thick as thieves to someone you don't actually know could be so awkward. They weren't awkward per se but I was and was trying so hard to look like I wasn't.

 They weren't awkward per se but I was and was trying so hard to look like I wasn't

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The three of us met at a coffee shop he frequents

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The three of us met at a coffee shop he frequents. I knew that he had plans that time so I tried to visit the place. They showed up unexpectedly so I was a little on edge. Okay, very on edge. It went somewhat like this:

"Hey Seok-ah!" Mi Seon called. I immediately recognized her because she studies at Ji Won. I'm not surprised that she hasn't seen me there because she frequents crowded places while I like spaces without too much people breathing down my neck.

"L-love!" I stuttered. It's hard to call someone your 'love' if you don't know a single bit about them. I still don't know why Woo Seok calls Mi Seon 'my love' when she isn't even his girlfriend. Does Woo Seok have a girlfriend?

When she got near me she immediately flicked my forehead. "Ouch!" I exclaimed, it wasn't painful but I... exaggerate pain. Oh no, does Woo Seok do that? I hope he does too.

"Oh come on, I know you love it." she said. Woo Seok 'loves' pain? Hell. There's no way I'd pretend to like pain. I couldn't.

"Am I masochistic?" I asked. Now that I've thought about it, that's a really weird question to ask.

"No. Uhm... I remember you screaming so loud when your dog bit you back in 4th grade." Woah, well that was brutal.

"Did I contract rabies?" 

"The bite didn't actually penetrate. You cried because your dog was nibbling on your toe." she laughed. 

Ooh, that is so not cool. Why are we both such pussies? It's not even funny anymore. I have to work on not being such a crybaby.

"Give him a break Seon, the dog was a pit. No wonder he'll cry like a baby." Kyung Han joined.

Kyung Han is tall, like, really tall. I'm 6 feet which is already tall but he's 3 inches taller. No wonder he's a model. Actually they all are, Woo Seok and Mi Seon too. The closest I've had experienced to modeling is this, talking to models, nothing more. Maybe I should try... nah. I don't want to be labelled as a copycat.

The three of them are rich. Mi Seon is, you know, the chaebol heir of Ahn Holdings, while Kyung Han is the son of a famous actress and a high-ranked politician. As for Woo Seok, he's the lovechild of a prominent designer in the fashion industry and a supermodel. Well, I think I'll fit right in. I'm rich too, you know. My background is for another story though. 

The conversation continued and it was like a quiz game show where friends answer questions about their friend who seemingly happened to have temporary amnesia. It was awkward for the most part because they we're like, 'Who are we even talking to?". After a while, they were getting suspicious so I had to flee.

And here I am, walking at a curb, trying not to think about how much I looked like a fool at the conversation earlier at the coffee shop.

Oh, I forgot. I didn't get coffee.

I was actually there for the coffee but I didn't get to order because I encountered the two. I asked for directions to the closest coffee shop and found that the closest one is five kilometers away. Great. I should've brought my car with me.

I was nearing the coffee shop when an old woman suddenly screamed and pointed at me. "WAIT!" she called. "Come here, I can see something." 

The old lady looks like a fortune teller or a witch or something. I don't usually believe in those kind of things but her screaming at me made me feel like she really does see my fate. As if she's confident that what she see's in me is true, whatever it may be. She put her hand on top of my head and closed her eyes then acted as if she's being electrocuted. 

"Grandma, are you okay?!" I asked, freaking.

She then stopped shaking and looked at me in the eyes. "My son, you have beautiful eyes."

Woah. Is she hitting on me?

"Use them, because this will be the reason you will make someone fall for you." she continued.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You will meet a woman, very beautiful, I see. If you look at her in the eyes, she will fall for you." 

Woah, a woman will 'fall' for me? Well, that'll be a first. 

"Smile, my child, you two will make very beautiful children." What?!

Well, that was... uhm... something. The woman asked me to pay her for the fortune-telling, it was expensive but I paid her anyways. I thought that she could use the money better than I could.

According to the old lady, I should stare my way to the woman's heart. Am I being weird for believing something superstitious like this? Well, it wouldn't hurt to try.

I scanned my immediate surroundings. The old lady said that she's beautiful, which isn't too helpful. I should just find a girl with light shining at her background. That's how it works in movies. Right?

I entered the coffee shop, smiling, thinking about the possibility of me having a girlfriend. Ooh, my heart is fluttering. I wouldn't know when she would appear but-

"Good morning, sir. Can I have your order?" 

I lifted my gaze and saw a girl, light shining at the back of her head. My heart's beating so fast but I can feel the time going slower. I think I found her.

o- - - - -o

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