Family Life #1 Shu Sakamaki

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"Mum." You heard a voice from behind you, making you spin to face Leon, your eldest son who had turned seven just last month. He was frowning with an annoyed look to him as he tapped his foot against the tile floor of the kitchen you had been baking a birthday cake in.
You couldn't stop the giggle that left your lips at the sight of him, he was dressed up in a shirt and tie as he felt like he had to for his younger brothers birthday party, pouting with his arms crossed over his chest, crumpling up his crisp white button up. He frowned at the sound of your hushed laughter, glaring at you with his best angry face, which only made more laughter burble past your lips. Leon rolled his eyes, which were the same shade of blue as his father's, before he spoke, clearly frustrated. "Dad won't get up." With that sentence, a heavy sigh left your lips, "So I can assume Lilith is with him and neither of them are watching Elliot?" You asked, crossing your arms with a huff. The blond boy nodded in response to your question, to which you took his hand and walked with him to your youngest son, Elliot's room.

Once inside of the bedroom, you let out a sigh at the sight before you. Your six year old daughter, Lilith was laying with her father on the ground, sleeping with her head resting on his chest. Her own blonde hair was spread out all around her despite the fact that you had tied it with a bow earlier, and her lavender dress was flowing out beside her as she slept peacefully. Lilith had been this way since she was a baby, lazy and attached to her father, it was rare that Shu didn't have the little girl on his hip despite her being six years old.
You cleared your throat, and watched as your husband of ten years opened one eye before grunting and closing it once again. This man... You glared at him before taking your very awake one year old from his crib, which your husband was supposed to do a half hour ago. Apparently the floor looked to comfortable for him to not lay down though, and he had simply taken a nap with his daughter instead of getting his son. "C'mere Elliot, I'm sorry daddy made you sit in that tiny crib." You cooed to your son softly before smiling at him, he was definitely your most bubbly child, always giggling and clapping, he was a tiny ray of sunshine. You looked down at your husband and hummed softly, very clearly not impressed with what he was doing. He once again opened one of his stunning blue eyes before smirking softly and chuckling. You watched as he gently shook your daughter awake and stood, picking up the now whiny six year old and allowing her to continue sleeping with her head on his shoulder. You sighed softly and frowned at him before finally opening up your mouth to speak, "Living room. Now. And if I catch you sleeping again tonight before we go to bed, you'll regret it." You threatened

Two hours and a lot of frosting later, your family all gathered around your youngest's high chair, singing happy birthday and helping him to blow out the candles before allowing him to dig in. You felt your husband chuckle from behind you, your back against his chest while he had his arms wrapped around your waist from behind. You couldn't help but giggle as well as at the sight of Elliot digging his hands into the cake and bringing the frosted confectionery to his lips, smiling as it smeared across his chubby baby cheeks. You smiled as you sat down across from your daughter and son, your husband beside you in his own chair with his hand on your upper thigh.

You sighed happily as everyone ate their cake, cracking jokes and laughing. The conversation carried on normally until your normally very quiet daughter piped up, "Mum, were we like Elliot on our first birthday too?" You smiled gently at her and felt your husband squeeze your thigh as he chuckled, you looked to him before leaning your head on his shoulder. "Well, your brother certainly was." You smiled, motioning to Leon who blushed but grinned nonetheless. "But you..." You got up and walked over to the photo album you kept in a glass cabinet in your kitchen you used to display your kids art most of the time. You giggled when you found the picture you were looking for, passing the book to your daughter so she could see it as well. "You fell asleep in your cake." You finished, smiling as you remembered that the day she had done so. Her first birthday had been hectic, but it didn't mean it wasn't worth it to give her one. She had been wearing her bright yellow dress, which in hindsight was probably not the best thing to dress her in seeing as her cake had been chocolate. You had set her in the highchair, taking out the camera and grinning as your daughter poked at the cake in front of her. She looked to her father, raising one of her eyebrows in confusion as if to ask what it was she was looking at, which made several people all around laugh. Eventually she licked some frosting off of her finger, but didn't seem too enthused by it, as she had just realized how soft the cake was and was now slapping it. Everyone just kind of watched, wondering what on earth the young girl was doing as she lowered her head on to the cake, closing her eyes and slowing her breathing until she fell asleep.
That had been the day you began to wonder if laziness was genetic.

You smiled fondly at the picture before putting the album back in the cabinet that had held it before and returning to your seat. "Hey mom, what was it like to be pregnant with me? You talk to all of your friends about how easy it was to be pregnant with Lilith and Elliot, but you never talk about when you were pregnant with me." He tilted his head, clearly very curious. You winced at the memory and sighed, "Well..." Your husband interrupted you suddenly, silencing you completely. "Your siblings were an easy pregnancy. You were a horrible one." You slapped his shoulder, "Your father... He only says that because he had to deal with me. You certainly made me have some strange cravings..." You mumbled out, giggling, "But you were worth it."

You thought back to the day you gave birth to him, it had actually been a pretty bad day until he was born. Your moodiness due to being so far along had annoyed your husband and he had left to another room, wanting to sleep in peace without you 'nagging at him'. You had gotten angry, waddling over to his side of the bed, about to destroy his precious MP3 player when the first contraction hit. You had crumpled to the ground, pain consuming your body as you felt the clear liquid drip down your thighs. It had taken a half hour for your husband to finally look at his texts, and by then one of his brothers had found you and had the decency to bring you to a hospital. Shu had made it just in time for you to start pushing, and although you didn't wail or scream, you definitely nearly crushed his hand while squeezing it to distract yourself from the pain. It took 12 hours for you to finally give birth to your son, but after it was all over you hadn't felt more proud of yourself in your life, nor had you ever felt more in love with someone than with your sweet baby boy.
You snapped out of your daze when your daughter piped up once again, "Hey mum, where do babies come from?" "Aaaaaand it's time for bed." You announced at that, your husband chuckling beside you as your cheeks went red.

About an hour later, all three of your kids were sleeping peacefully, and you began to get ready for bed yourself. That is, before you felt a familiar pair of arms wrap around your waist. You hummed softly as your husband kissed down your neck, and you leaned your head back, allowing him more access. Small moans slipped from your mouth as you allowed him to guide you to the bed. You soon found yourself laying back, your husband kissing down your body ever so slowly, pulling off your clothes as he went until he found himself between your soft thighs. You blushed as his hand splayed across your stomach, chuckling as he looked up at you and licked his lips, "You forgot to tell Leon just how horny you got when you were pregnant with him." You blushed darker and looked away as you felt his hot breath on your now soaked arousal, "Let's hope this baby has the same effect on your libido." He whispered out before placing his mouth over your aching need, finally giving you the pleasure you deserved as you leaned your head back, allowing yourself to drown in the love he offered you. 

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