Family Life #3 Laito Sakamaki

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It came as a surprise to Laito to awake one cold morning in March and realize his feelings for you. Two years after that, he was surprised to see you walking down the aisle and saying "I do.". The next surprise was how eager he found he was to remove your wedding dress, and how different it felt to take you as his wife. After that the surprises got more interesting. He was surprised at how often you would get sick, and how much you would eat as time went on. But he was the most surprised when you told him he would be a father, and nearly as surprised by how happy he was when you told him that. He was surprised by how quickly you grew, and how attractive he found you as you did. He was surprised by the way your scent changed, and by your first ultrasound appointment when there were two heads instead of one. He was surprised by how sensitive you were emotionally and physically, and by how easily he could make you cry out in both anguish and pleasure. He was surprised by how scared you were when you went into labor, and by how much you cried. But most of all he was surprised by how much he loved his two little girls from the moment he heard them begin to cry. After that there were a lot of other surprises, like how adorable his daughters looked in dresses, and how much he loved being a father to them.

"The girls are asleep." You said gently, the moon shining in through the window and on to your skin, illuminating your body. Laito grinned and sat on the edge of the bed, pulling you closer by your hips, chuckling softly. He leaned in to kiss you, feeling you smile against his lips as he laid you down on the bed the two of you shared. He pulled away, standing to get himself undressed as quick as possible. But as soon as he turned back to you, a seductive grin on his face, he found you asleep, head on the pillow, eyes closed peacefully. He chuckled and rolled his eyes, laying down beside you and kissing your head.

You never ceased to surprise him. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2018 ⏰

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