Cold Nights and a Bloody Knife

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Sawyer's POV

The night was very cold; I was only wearing my favorite Black Veil Brides tank top and ripped skinnies. I ran out of the house with only my phone and didn't even grab my shoes or wallet.

My stepmom got very out of hand tonight. After she got home with dad, he disappeared into his room to watch football like he always does, and it was clear they had both been drinking; my stepmom much more.

After I made myself and my little sister Gabriella dinner, I was alone in the kitchen washing up, like always, and I hear her voice behind me, "Awwwwwwwww! Look who is washing up! Trying to be a good little bitch for once! Honey! Look! Your daughter is being less of a piece of shit than normal!"

Ugh, great, I think to myself as I finish the dishes and make for my room.

"Oh no! Where do you think you are going!" My stepmom stopped me by grabbing my hair and yanking me back in front of her.

"I haven't done anything, Ingrid! I promise! Please just let me go to my room and you won't see me the rest of the night!" I plead with her.

She violently shakes her head and replies, "No, no, no Sawyer sweetly! You see, I happened to see you today unfortunately and I saw you wearing that shit again!!"

I look at my clothing and reply, "Black Veil Brides are amazing! I love this tank top! What's wrong with it?"

"EVERYTHING!" She shouts as she slaps me across the face and pushes me into the kitchen table which I bounce off of and fall to the floor. My vision becomes blurry and I feel very dizzy. I reach up to my head and pull back blood on my hand.

"HA! Honey! The bitch is bleeding! Fuck yes! I needed that!" She shouts at seemingly no one as my dad was surely asleep by now.

"I can't take this anymore!" I didn't think. I just ran out of the door into the night, not knowing what was ahead of me.

I had walked all the way to the main part of town, long far from my neighborhood. I pulled out my phone and saw the time was 10:47 pm.
I didn't know where my destination would be. I just could no longer stand to be in that house.

I kept on walking to nowhere and that's when the guilt started to hit me in a wave of tears. My sister; I left her all alone in that house! What could I do? At least though, dad favors her over me so he would top Ingrid if she tried to be a bitch to her.

Maybe I was just a horrible person. I got called emo trash and all the other names at school, but maybe that was just people trying to tell me the truth, that I'm a little piece of shit.

It was then I got the horrible feeling that I was being followed or watched. There weren't many people around the streets at this time of night, and with my appearance, people probably think I'm crazy. Who would be following me?

I pick up my pace but the feeling didn't go away. Starting to get scared, I picked up to a sprint and ducked into an alley away from where I could be seen; how stupid was I.

All at once three men in dark clothing surrounded me. I tried to run away but I was pushed and held against the wall.

"Do what we say bitch! Or we'll kill ya!" One of them ordered me as one pulled out a knife. I felt the tears falling as one of them pulled at my breasts and another slowly pulled off my jeans. I sunk to the ground and let it all happen. They were silent whilst they raped me except for murmuring in a language I didn't understand. I cried; that's all I could do in this situation.

After a while they collected themselves and ran off into the night leaving me alone and cold and broken. I felt so filthy and used. Feeling my mind go numb, I pulled my jeans back on ignoring the blood covering my thighs and legs. I reached for my phone to call for help, but I stopped.

"Fuck!" I yelled, crying as much as I had ever cried in a long time. The only time I ever cried this much was when the cancer took Mom away. The thought of her made me cry even more, but also the image of her calmed me a little until I saw the shine of a knife one the men must have left. I moved over to it, picked it up and sat back down, causing pain down there. I winced put all the while I stared at the knife.

I could just leave this hell. I could see Mom again, I thought.

I slowly drew the blade across my wrist.

Worthless piece of shit, I thought.

Another slash, No one will ever love you ever ever again!

I began my other wrist and after one slash my vision began to be very spotty and I felt dizzy once again. This was it. I was finally going to be free and with someone I love. But before I escaped, I saw a figure run up to me and then all went black.   

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