The Story of a Fighter

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Ashley's POV

A Few Days or so later...

"Come on you can tell us, Sawyer. By now, I'd say we are at least friends." Jinxx said.

I held onto her hand and looked at her. This was different. This was a different kind of love. At first, I was just saving a girl from the street but then I saw her face. I went onto social media and learned a bit more about her but she kept mostly private. It was mostly just posts about us. I just have this feeling amazing things are going to happen and I love this girl. Call it instinct.

"Alright." She said, finally preparing to tell us all what happened.

"Why were you in the streets in the first place?" Andy asked.

"M-my step mom....." she started but began to cry. I rubbed circles on her hand with my thumb trying to calm her down.

She looked at me in thanks and continued, "My stepmom, she b-beats me and verbally a-abuses me. My dad does n-nothing. I just had to get out of t-that house." She said in between sobs.

"It's alright what happened next?" I encouraged with a reassuring squeeze to her hand.

"Well, I was walking down the street. It was cold and dark. Then I felt like I was being followed so I ducked into an ally to try to hide, but.....these three guys came out of n-nowhere and they r-raped m-me." She finished telling us her story. All about how those bastards hurt her. I was going to kill those motherfuckers when I found them. She told us about her sister Gabriella and about how she practically raised her when her mom passed of cancer. Dam, this girl has been through hell and back.

........................................Time Skip........................................................................

We had been in the hospital with Sawyer for a while, maybe a week or so, and she was finally better.

" guys should probably get going huh? I mean, your fans are waiting for you." Sawyer reminded us in a sad-like tone. "Hell no!" I exclaimed. There was no way I was leaving her here with her sadist guardian. "What Ashley means to say is, we would be honored to have you on tour with us. You could just watch the shows from backstage and we could get to know you better. It's about time we added a new friend to our circle and you are an amazing person." Andy said. I nodded slowly in agreement but I was going crazy inside at the thought of getting closer to Sawyer. And not in a sexual least not yet. I just want to be with her; a fighter like her deserves someone to lean on, someone who loves her.  

Rescued By The Outlaw(Ashley Purdy Love Story Kinda); Book 1 of "My Saviours"Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora