Life Begins

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Sawyer's POV


The guys have been treating me amazing! Ashley is also being so sweet to me and my life is actually getting pretty amazing. I feel like I've gained 4 brothers and a of my life...

"Sawyer! Ya almost ready in there? The show starts soon!" CC calls to me from outside the tour bus bathroom.

"Yeah I'll be out in just a second!" I answer back. I quickly look myself in the mirror; a BVB t-shirt paired with black ripped short shorts and fishnets with black combat boots. I think I was ready.

I step out of the bathroom which CC enters quickly and slams the door. He must have had to use the bathroom before the show. I then step into the living area where the other guys were all ready in their makeup.

"Hey gorgeous! Ya ready for your first show?" Ashley asked me placing his arm around my shoulders, making me blush a bit.

"I don't think I've ever been more excited about something in my life!" I respond.

"Good! You'll be watching from backstage." Ashley says.

CC enters the living area and shouts, "Let's get this party started!"

We all herd out of the bus and into the backstage area of the venue. A few security men let us through to the back where all the instruments were. It was fascinating seeing all the boxes full of the musical instruments and microphones! There were people with headsets running around placing things where they needed to be. One of them stopped by us and placed a headset on Ashley and a VIP lanyard on me.

Ashley looked at me while he prepared his guitar for performing and said, "Are you ready?"

I looked at him and responded, "Yes. I've never been more ready for something! This is all thanks to you and the guys." Our eyes lingered and our heads became closer..closer.....closer....

"Alright we need you guys now, okay, hurry up!" One of the headsetted people shouts.

"We shall continue later." Ashley said as he smiled at me and headed on stage, causing the crowd to go absolutely crazy. With that the concert got underway. I watched from the back as Andy and the guys made their way to their places on the stage.

Before they started to play, Andy spoke into the microphone, "Are you motherfuckers ready to rock!" The crowd burst into cheers and yells and Andy continued, "Sorry that we've gone a while. We had other priorities we had to deal with. You see, Ash here saved a girl's life a week or so ago and this girl, this fucking strong amazing girl, ended up being a very close friend of ours."

"You got that right!" Ashley added, making me blush even more than I already was. They actually mentioned me. I knew then, that I had found my new family. They really did care about me.

"Hey um, actually...Sawyer come here!" Andy says into the microphone, almost causing me to fall over in surprise. I stood still, afraid to show myself.

"Come on! Pretty please?" Ashley asked into the microphone causing more cheers. I smiled at him and stepped out onto the stage and I was taken aback by the intense cheering coming from the crowd. I couldn't tell if it was good or bad cheering. I walked over next to Ashley and Andy in the center of the stage, certain I looked even more awkward than I felt.

"This is Sawyer. She's become family to us and will be joining us on our tour." Ashley said, wrapping his arm around my shoulders, causing an uproar of the crowd awing and cheering. I blushed even more.

"This performance is dedicated to her." Ashley finished as he kissed my cheek and let go of me and I went back to my spot on stage.

Ashley Purdy just kissed me!!!! Holy fucking shit!!!!, I thought to myself as the music started to play.

........................................Time Skip........................................................................

The show was absolutely amazing! They played a variety of songs from all of their albums. I listened and danced along to the last bit of the last song.

In the end, as you fade into the night
Who will tell the story of your life?
And who will remember your last goodbye?
'Cause it's the end, and I'm not afraid
I'm not afraid to die
Who will remember this last goodbye?
'Cause it's the end, and I'm not afraid
I'm not afraid to die
I'm not afraid!
I'm not afraid to die!
Not afraid!
I'm not afraid to die!

I always loved that song! The concert then came to a close with Andy saying thanks for coming and all of that. I was then greeted and hugged by each of the guys who were very sweaty and out of breath as they entered the backstage area.

Ashley was the last one there and said, "Sorry about us pulling you on stage that like. It's just that..we all care about you very much and we wanted to share that with the fans."

I smiled and placed my hand on his bare shoulder, as he performed without a shirt showing off his Outlaw tattoo, and answered, "I am fine. You guys have done everything for me and I'm really grateful for that....." It happened again. Our heads grew closer and closer until.....our lips closed in on each others. This kiss was more than just a kiss; it was reassurance that I was finally home and that I now had someone who loved me for me and friends, no, brothers who would care for me no matter what.

We pulled apart and I start, "That was..."

"Amazing," Ashley finished for me, taking the words out of my mouth, "So...does this mean that you are finally my girlfriend!"

I laughed and replied, "It does, Ash."

"Aaaaawwwwww! It's about fucking time you two!" CC shouted. Ash and I turned to see all the guys staring back at us.

"Don't go doing anything funny, Purdy. She is our little sis now too remember? So if you hurt her, I'll kick your ass." Jake said. That earned laughs from all of us.

"I am so happy you found me, Ash. And I am so grateful to you guys for letting me be with you on your tour." I say.

"Anything for Ashley's girlfriend." CC jokes. Laughter once again filled the backstage area as my new life began. 

Rescued By The Outlaw(Ashley Purdy Love Story Kinda); Book 1 of "My Saviours"Where stories live. Discover now