New Beginning?

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My eyes slowly drifted open and were greeted with bright white light. Was this heaven. Where was Mom?

As my vision adjusted, I realized I was simply in a hospital room, and that I did not die as I'd hoped.

I look around to see I was not alone.
Sitting by my left was Ashley Purdy, holding my hand and to my right, Jinxx staring into space, clearly thinking about something, and finally in a bench across from the bed was CC and Andy who were both asleep on Jake's shoulders. Black Veil Brides was in my hospital room. Wait, I clearly must be dead right?

"Hey she's awake!" Ashley got the boy's attention, and they all crowded around my bed.

"Uh...your...your Black Veil Brides." I stated making sure I wasn't dreaming or dead. I was never a crazy fan girl and I prided myself on that but I needed to make sure.

"That would be correct. I figured you'd know us by your shirt." Jake said gesturing to my blood stained tank top.

"What happened? Why are you guys in my room? No offense." I questioned. My favorite band in my hospital room was a bit of a shocker if you'd believe.

"None taken," Andy responded in his amazingly deep voice, "we were doing a show downtown and we had a bit of a break when CC broke a drumstick-"

"I did not! It was an old stick and it broke on its own...." CC interrupted which produced a giggle from everyone in the small white room.

"Anyways," Andy continued, "Ashley here went to get a drink but came back with you."

"We are used to him bringing home girls when he says otherwise but this time when he brought you into the venue, we called the hospital right away; you were in really bad shape." Jinxx said with a concerned look on his face.

"I was really scared when I found you; I really was afraid you'd die. If you don't mind me asking, what happened to you?" Ashley asked still grasping my hand.

"Um, I mean.....why'd you guys stay? What about the show? I'm just a nobody?" I asked.

"Ashley insisted we cancel the rest of the show to be here when you woke up." CC answered. I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"Why would you do that?" I asked Ashley who wouldn't take his eyes off of me.

"I don't know, I looked so looked like a fan so I thought we'd surprise you." He finished quickly.

No....Ashley Purdy, the ladies man likes can't be. I thought.

"Oooohh! Looks like someone has a crush!" CC shouted earning himself a punch in the arm from Ashley. He didn't say no, but there is no possible way someone would care for me. Come to think of it, the boys did seem to care....they waited in the hospital for me. Maybe this was a new beginning for me. 

Rescued By The Outlaw(Ashley Purdy Love Story Kinda); Book 1 of "My Saviours"Where stories live. Discover now