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Two months and
one day into the letters


Though no one was around, the olders footsteps felt like they were being followed, whether it was the lump of nervousness in his throat or someone was actually there, his only mission was to get to his desk

Nearing to the destination, he finally made it, looking down at the neatly wrapped letter, the shine of it shot in his eyes as he gleamed, hesitation as he grabbed forward and finally opened it.

Dear, Mr. Kim

I won't keep it long, because even myself would get hesitant at continuing this letter, honestly writing back was the least thing I wanted to do, I haven't told anyone, I haven't continued with many clues, and I'm hoping you won't do what I'm afraid you may do. The answer to your question,


It's been a while since a smile as big as it did had been brought to the teachers pretty lips, begging to be taken a picture of.

- pov

"You okay, Gguk?"

A hand was felt on Jeongguk's lower back with an awkward lingering feeling at his finger tips, The younger jerked away a bit surprisingly, something obviously teasing his mind, Though he soon calmed into Jimin's touch "I'm fine, don't worry"

His words spilled out as lies, honestly from another point of view this wasn't as bad as the brunettes thoughts made it out to be, but he wasn't big on being merely strong with loving someone, especially them finding out he loves them.

Jimin lifted an eyebrow worringly, the tension coming from his best friend didn't match his words, he snickered at the lies but decided to not budge this early,

"Alright Gguk" The older sighed, knowing how stubborn Gguk is, he doesn't open up much, and it'd be a miracle if he got to him now, he'd decided to wait until they are alone to ask more, worry got to him, he laid his head in his hand as he waited for Hope to finish, staring at the younger curiously, noticing every mark that he loved to look at on his best friend.

"Class is about to start, why don't we go?"

Hope interrupted them both, feeling the rough tension with them send goosebumps down his arms, stuffing his trash onto his tray and standing up from the table, his mouth still lingered with the taste of his fries, stomach finally full after eating all his food and most of Minnie's, the awkward bunch nodded their heads and joined Hoseok by standing up and grabbing their trash.


"Hey, you guys busy this weekend?"

Hope talked over the school hall way voices, sounds of lockers getting shut and slammed, people yelling and talking to their friends, in sync with Jimin and Gguk's footsteps, his eyes watching as he neared closer to their classroom. "I'm not, but i don't think my mom's happy about us spending every weekend together" Jimin chuckled awkwardly, he scratched the back of his head, the words of his mother speaking about the topic played in his head, he cringed at his mothers words.

"I'm free if you guys help me with my homework" Jeongguk smiled softly, the other two rolled their eyes, smiling back, looking around the hallway more when it emptied out, some students knocking into them as they rushed to class, students going into their next classes, others being seen skipping or just not giving a shit and making out with their significant others, the three of them paid no attention as this was a normal occurrence, it was surprising this school had such a good review.

"We can do that, your house, Jeongguk?" Jimin asked politely as Ggul nodded, Hope threw a thumbs up, Jimin joining in "That's fine, you guys get to your classes" Gguk flicked Hope's forward and pointed to the classroom door

He waited for them to walk away a bit before heading to the nearest bathroom, knowing he was soon going to be late but didn't really care, he was a good student and had good grades, could easily slip away without a hall pass, his mind was clouded with thoughts, maybe he should tell them this weekend?

Obviously they were his best friends, and they knew he was gay, but having a crush on a teacher? That wasn't gonna look good on a report card,

"Stop it, Gguk" Whispering to himself, this wasn't a moment to get upset in his own thoughts, but before he could think anymore, he tripped

Feet caught on nothing but no attention to where he was going, too fast to catch himself, the brunette internally screamed before hitting the ground, it felt like slow mo even when it wasn't,

Rough hands grabbed at his slender waist, catching him perfectly from the fall, the younger's eyes squeezed shut as he felt his body be pulled up by his waist, the hands fit neatly around it, his cheeks gazed with a blush, the electricity in the person's touch made his heart spark.

Mr. Kim?

"Mr. Kim!" Gguk gasped softly, and his heart begun racing more, feeling the older's hands around his waist, Tae's hands haven't left his body, feeling it under his shirt, they were stuck like glue to him, the boy felt perfect under his much larger and warmer hands, he could already tell the difference in size, Gguk stared at him like a puppy, it was quiet for the meantime.

The moment tensed up the air, it didn't feel right because Taehyung was a teacher, and Jeongguk was a student, but it was longing, eyes dropped down to each others lips, aching to be felt, savoring the moment in their heads, the teachers hands on his waist squeezed, Gguk's hands pressing against his chest, feeling his biceps, the hallway now empty, not a being in sight around the two, it was perfect.

Without a second thought, their bodies moved closed, mouths so close they could feel the others breath on each others lips, it wasn't awkward, or sexual, it felt needy and passionate, Gguk didn't know a moment could be like this without even kissing the person,

Were they going to kiss?


The raven told himself to pull away, they can't kiss here in school, he couldn't bring himself to let go though, the student was like a magnet, and he was metal,

Pulling away wasn't Taehyung, Gguk took action, stepping back a bit, the older's hands left his waist, it felt like a breath of fresh air, and suddenly, Gguk didn't need to pee anymore


updated: april8 2020

1062 words

Dear, Mr. KimWhere stories live. Discover now