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Hello Tragedy readers!

If you have already finished this book or are in the process of reading it, I hope you liked/like it. If you did, I am pleased to announce that I am writing a new book that you will surely be interest in! It is a horror thriller type story with a bit of mystery called The Raventown Woods.

Here is the plot summary:

"After Kiara's grandparents unexpectedly die, she falls in a pit of shock, pain, anger, and guilt. She visits her grandparents' cabin in the Raventown woods, hoping to draw some happy memories of them as she tidies up the cabin for sale. Left breathless by the beauty of the house and the surrounding forest, she decides to stay for a while and invite some of her college friends over.  What seems like a perfect vacation with friends will soon turn deadly when strange things begin to occur and  secrets are uncovered- making it more likely that her grandparents' death was not of natural cause after all all.

When the the sun goes down... darkness reigns the Raventown woods."

So that's the description of the story. If you were hooked then brace yourself because that wasn't even the beginning!

If you want to read The Raventown Woods, make sure to follow my Wattpad profile if you don't already to stay updated with more news.

I will be posting chapter one of The Raventown Woods this Friday April 6, 2018 at 5pm CST.

I hope you are excited to check it out as I am excited to write it. Thank you so much for reading Tragedy, and in advance, for reading The Raventown Woods.

Tragedy ✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang