Chapter 1:I'm Bored!

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There was a god sitting on his throne yawning while laying his head on one of the handles feeling bored and a lady with very beautiful blonde hair and very stunning silver wings kneeling beside him and said.

"What's wrong milord?".

He raised his head and answered "oh my dear loyal servant Angelica, there's nothing wrong, it's just I'm bored".

Angelica stood up while questioning his master "'O' milord how can we entertain you? Do you want us to make the five most strongest human empires in realm 6, to have a long lasting savage war in their world?".

"No,No,No!, that's just gonna make my beloved humans die and could even destroy the world!"proclaimed the god.

Angelica answered "please forgive me milord because of my selfishness,but why do you like this "human" so much,even though that they didn't know that you exists at all,instead they call your servants gods and think that they created them?".

He was thinking how to answer Angelica's question about how precious it is humans to him.

"w-well...good question...uhm...humans are entertaining creatures that full of suprises,and could entertain me,and I hope sometimes I wish I could be a human as well".

Angelica nodded her head as she understand his explanation about how precious humans is to him.

Finally, he thought of something and said "hmm...maybe I thought a way to get rid of my boredom".

Angelica ask "how's that milord?".

He answered and ordered Angelica "I'll tell you later all about the details,but could you please summon Lucifer to the throne room".

As she replied "as you wish,I'll try to go to Lucifer,and tell him that you wish to summon him"and so,she rushed down to the depths of hell and call Lucifer to go back to heaven and see his master.

After Lucifer being summoned.

"Ahh welcome back my loyal servants, finally you have arrived,right now,I want to discussed to you that I want to reincarnate as a human" the god said.

"WHAT!?"yelled both Angelica and Lucifer while kneeling in front of him.

Angelica and Lucifer was shocked of his master's decision and Lucifer stand up furiously while Angelica was speechless.

Lucifer complained "What is this!,the creator of all beings in all worlds,trying to reborn as a low lev-".

"enough!,who is the master is it you or is it me"the god interupts while he was complaining.

" m-milord,the...master is y-ou" Lucifer answered while frightened by his master's rage.

Meanwhile,Angelica that was still kneeling is thinking something to convince his master to stay and she stood up and said "but master!,your power is far too powerful to suppress moreover,one of your servant have already tried to suppress his power and it took him to reincarnate 300 hundred heaven time!,and he died when he was born as a baby".

"hmph,who do you think I am,I'm not some lowly servant,I'm the creator of all beings in all worlds" he answered.

"b-but master, who's gonna do all the work while you're gone"as Lucifer still going to convinced his master to stay.

"that's easy,the one who manage all the things in all worlds is the both of you"the god exclaimed.

"that's why I summon the both of you here to give my two powers,that is the Hand of Creation and with this power you could create anything you like and the other one is Hand of Destruction unlike its name it could bring destruction,and now I entrusted the power of life and death to the both you" he continued.

"what! That's insane,we can't possibly accept it and do that! What if we lost control because of your powers!"Lucifer complaint while yelling.

"yes you can control it,I entrust this important job to the both of you because I trust my servants to do my job"the god replied while smiling.

Both of them have red faces and Angelica answered"w-well if it's that you wish,we shall grant it".

Angelica finally agrees and accept her master's wish and also power that was given by her master.

Lucifer said "i-if Angelica accept and i will also accept".

"it's settled then,now I'll give the Hand of Creation to Angelica and the Hand of Destruction to Lucifer" the god answered.

"but I will shut the Book of Fate,and the both of you do not intertwine my fate and also other people's too" as he continued.

"do you not trust us?"said Lucifer.

"yes I do trust the both of you,but if you open up the book and you want to change my fate it could also affect other peoples' fate and once I reborn as a human I don't want to cheat in my life and surpass the others easily"he answered as he smiled to the both of them and he knew that this would happen in the future.

Both of them looked away and their master went to the gateway and before he walk through the gate,as he turned back and said "bye" while waving his hand to them and the moment he saw the most toughest and fearless servant Lucifer was crying like a fountain,while Angelica was very annoyed because of him.

After a few seconds later their master started to fade and soon he disappeared and started to reincarnate as a human.

To be Continued

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