Chapter 5: Elendina's day

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The meeting between Kanata and Elendina, Alan gained a new ally and also reunited with an old ally, as he is getting more stronger. Two days after, his parents went to work early in the morning and Elendina suggest to Alan

Elendina:"I know a more efficient way to train your magic" she smiled

Alan:"oh, how is that?" he raised a brow as his hands were crossed.

Elendina:"easy" she grinned,"just read the books about magic at the sacred hidden library"

Alan:and where is that library?

Elendina:I can't tell you!, its a secret!.

Alan:"ok I won't ask" he answered plainly.

Elendina sweat a bit and she smiled as she was disappointed of his plain reaction.

Elendina:w-well...lets go to the library


Elendina:are you listening Alan!?

Alan:huh, sorry I was sleeping with my eyes open because I still felt a little bit drowsy.

Elendina:oh come on!, did you hear the first thing I said!? it about going to library of whatever its name was to learn my magic?.

Elendina was surprised.

Elendina:"g-good job" she praises him sarcastically and continued "as long as you know what're we're going to do next".

Alan:"yay!, I did it" he cheered to himself.

Elendina:"ok lets go now" she smiled, (you're so childish Alan) she thought.

Alan:wait I have to work first and then we can go to the library.

Elendina:oh I forgot that you have a job, I'm sorry.

Alan:"its okay" he smiled.

Alan pats her head, she blushes, then Alan goes to work, while Elendina got nothing to do.

Elendina POV

After a few hours, Elendina was waiting while feeling bored and decided.

"maybe I should go peek on Alan for a bit while he's doing his job" she smirked and leaves the inn.

As I was going there, I stumbled upon some creeps asking me to hang out with them, I felt annoyed and just went passing by them, they abruptly  forcefully grabs my hand and I struggled, I kick their faces very hard

"how troublesome, good thing Alan taught me how to fight" she sighs while sweeping off some dust on her shoulder and looking down them.

The creeps just lies down on the streets knocked out by Elendina and she took a stroll around the capital, while enjoying the scenery and slowly arrived at Alan workplace. Then, she saw Alan in the windows working exhaustingly, as she entered the pub, she sat at a chair alone and Alan showed up

Alan:"Elendina!?, what are you doing here!?" he said shockingly

Elendina:I came here to check on you while you're working.

Alan:b-but how did you know I worked here?

Elendina:oh that, I ask your parents.

Alan:oh..., those geezers betrayed me!

The manager interrupts their conversation

Manager:Alan what are you doing!?, stop arguing and go take order from this young lady.

Alan:"y-yes manager, u-um miss what do you want to order?" he smiles awkwardly.

Elendina:"oh, I want to have some pudding,...oh and also mind, if I take one more request?" she smirked questioning him

Alan:"yes, as you wish",he said worriedly

Elendina:I would like you to feed me",she smirked, crossing her legs while put her head on her arm on a table

Alan:"a-a-a" he stuttered "as you wish young miss" he listens to her orders and did what she demanded.

As Alan served her pudding,he was ask to sit near beside her

Alan:here's your pudding

Elendina:"~ahn" she opens her mouth widely.

Alan fed her with a spoon as she was seductively licking her spoon, Alan's cheeks became red and all of the people surrounded them stared at them with lustfully and some of them glared with jealousy

Elendina:it tasted good Alan! you should try them.

She feed the pudding to Alan, he felt embarrassed and continued to do the same thing.

Alan's POV

While she was feeding the pudding to me, I felt all of the surrounding men  glared at me as the women had red faces in them. I felt insecure and disturbed by the crowd observing me from distance, I took the spoon and quickly feed her the pudding, so they could stop looking at me as it was humiliating. Finally we finished and Elendina stood up, she winked at me and puts the money on the table and leaves the pub.

Alan:*sighs* "finaally!, its over!" he felt relieved.

I entered the resting room for employees and one my co workers (CW for short) playfully punched my arm and glare at me

CW1:you lucky bastard, how dare you leave us all serving ugly people while you feeding pudding with that cute girl.

CW2:"How cruel" he shattering tears.

Alan:come on guys, its not a big deal.

All of the men CW:what!, it is a big deal, you're enjoying eating it!

Kanata was also there but he felt embarrassed and don't want to hear about it.

Alan:"guys please, just give me a break!" he cried.

I thought to myself (you gotta pay this Elendina!).

To Be Continued

[A/N] I thank sai_akito once again because he edit some of the part of this chapter

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