Chapter 6: The Study finally begins

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[A/N] sorry I was late publishing this chapter, because I was having a exam and also I was unmotivated to make the new chapter -_-|| , but I hope you still enjoy reading this chapter and the future chapter also.

After all of the events occured yesterday, Alan returned back home feeling tired as he saw Elendina sleeping leisurely and Alan clenched his fist trying to give Elendina a payback because all the things she did but Alan was tired and dozed off at the sofa.

In the morning, he sat beside Elendina as he scratch his head trying to remember something and in the end he really couldn't remember at all. Elendina looked at him as she spoke

Elendina:"hey Alan, do you remember about the library that I mentioned yesterday?"

Alan:"mmm, is it about visiting somewhere in the capital and read books?"

Elendina:"y-yes it is".

Alan:"what's wrong?"

Elendina:"w-well I'm quite surprised that you still remembered".

Alan:"heheheh" he puts his hand behind his head.

Then, Alan's suddenly became pale and changes back to the topic.

Alan:"ah books" he sighed "I always known that someday, I will read books which I hate the most to do".

Elendina hits her face with her palm.

Elendina:"w-why is that?" she sweats.

Alan:"books is mental abused to peoples minds".

Elendina:"o-okay" she eye rolled her eyes and looked back at Alan "there's no time to waste, lets go to the library" she pulled Alan's hand, guiding him to the sacred hidden library.

While they were going to the library, they accidentally bumped with a boy and he is wearing fancy clothes, Elendina and Alan almost falls to the ground, while the boy was angry because his clothes were dirty and two big men wearing armour and have a rapier on their waist suddenly appeared worried of him, Elendina felt afraid and hide behind Alan's back as the boy was standing up.

Once they saw the boy his clothes were all messed up, the boy grins and he told us.

Boy:"do you who I am?"

Alan:"no, who are you exactly?" he tilted his head while questioning him.

The boy bits his tongue and pointed in front of  Alan.

Boy:"you're getting on my nerves boy!".

Alan:"no, you're the boy".

Boy:"ku huh, guards cease him and put him in the dungeon!" he gave orders to the guards while Elendina trembles more and still hiding behind Alan.

Alan:"heh, using guards if you lose an argument?".

Elendina:"stop provoking him more you idiot!".

Boy:"wait, who's hiding behind you're back?".

Elendina:"it was me you idiot" she stood up in front of Alan as the boy was captivated by Elendina's beauty and told the guards to stop.

Boy:(w-what I d-didn't there was a beautiful g-girl hiding behind this annoying boy's back).

Boy:"w-what is you're name my beautiful goddess" he hold her hand.

Elendina:"ugh, don't touch me you disgusting freak" while glaring at him with a terrifying aura.

The boy ignores her terrifying aura and still holding her hand as Elendina losses her patience and turn kick very hard to his annoying face. The boy then was hit and flew while he was got hit on the wall and knock out.

Elendina:"serve you right freak, lets go Alan" she smiled and Alan sweats a bit.

The guards:"poor master, knock out by a girl he loves at first sight" they carried the boy to a near hospital.

At last, Elendina and Alan have arrived at the library and they've entered as have been stopped by a mysterious woman wearing cloak and both of them really couldn't see her face.

Woman:"state you business here".

Elendina:"we've here to research about my friend's magic" Alan nodded as she was explaining.

Woman:"very well then, let me guide you and your friend of yours".

Elendina:"really!?" Elendina's eyes sparkled.

Woman:"yes, because it is my duty to do so and also let me introduce myself, my name is Victoria".

Elendina:"pleasure to be acquaintance with you" she bowed.

Alan:"yeah, nice to meet too" he finally speaks in the conversation.

Victoria: she chuckled "no, the pleasure is mine, okay lets go".

To Be Continued
[A/N] uhh, I feel my head spinning and also writing sure is tiring ( TДT) but don't worries I'm still going to publish the new chapters ヾ(≧▽≦*)o 

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2018 ⏰

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