A New Friend.

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      A young woman by the name of Ginger Belle was finally setting off on her island challenge. After a year of being on Melemele Island, and taking a corse in the local Pokémon school, the 24-year old set out on her journey with the four Pokémon she has had since she was 6, a Cyndaquil, Cottonee, Glaceon, and Slowpoke. These Pokémon where Gingers trusted and closest friends, with her father being the creator of the Belles Daycare and her mother being an employee at the daycares Ginger was able to obtain her Pokémon sooner than the average trainer. With help from Melemeles own Professor Kukui Ginger was able to start her island challenge, Kukui gave Ginger the needed items to do her island challenge, the amulet to let people know she was an island challenge goer, a Rotom Dex to help her with the area and collecting Pokémon data, and a few Pokéballs for her trip. Ginger was grateful to have ran into Kukui, as she left his lab to start her challenge by battling the Kahuna Hala she decided to try and catch a new Pokémon for the team since Ginger didn't have an Alolan Pokémon yet.
As Ginger, Cyndaquil, and Cottonee searched the grass Cottonee let a shout out as he was tackled by something brown, Ginger quickly wiped around and saw a dog Pokémon on Cottonee,
"Rotom Dex, who's that Pokémon?" Ginger asked as Cyndaquil leaped from her shoulder and tried to help Cottonee.
"Zzt! Scan complete! Rockruff the Puppy Pokémon! When it rubs the rocks on its neck against you, that's proof of its love for you. However the rocks are sharp, so the gesture is quite painful! Zzt! You thinking about adding them to the team? Zzt-Zzt!" Rotom asked as he looked at Ginger.
Ginger had a grin on her face,
"They'll be perfect for the team, Cyndaquil let's go! We'll add Rockruff!" Ginger shouted as Cyndaquil let out a cry and took his battle stance.
Getting up Cottonee floated over to Ginger as he floated beside his trainer, Rockruff barked at the lost of its friend yet saw that it was in battle and quickly took its stance. The battle was quick yet hard, not wanting to lose this Rockruff Ginger reached into her bag and grabbed the first ball she felt and threw it, only to realize it was a Cherish Ball.
Ginger didn't realize she had threw it until she saw that Rockruff was within the ball and it was shaking,
"Agh! No!" Ginger cried as she heard the ball click with catching the pup.
"Zzt! Congratulationz on catching the new Pokémon, Ginger! Zzt-Zzt! But why cry no? Zzt." Rotom asked as he looked at Ginger, she sighed yet smiled as she walked over and picked the ball up.
"This is a Cherish ball, Rotom. This ball was a gift from an old man that created Pokéballs from berries. Before I left the region he gave this to me." Ginger smiled as she felt Cyndaquil jump on her shoulder and Cottonee floated higher to meet his Trainers height,
"I'm glad to have caught our new friend with this ball, because I cherish them." Ginger said with a smile as she looked at Cyndauil and Cottonee, tucking the Cherish ball away in her bag.
With a smile she started her walk to the village where her first Kahuna awaited.

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