Chapter 2

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Michael was used to the music coming from his earphones being the only thing he heard when he arrived at school and walked through the hallways. Even whenever he would be at his locker, the music would still be the only thing he heard, going on right up until he would enter the first classroom for his first period.

Today was different for once, ever since Michael started at this godforsaken school. Which had been a while and long enough in his opinion. He was ready to graduate high school and move on to wherever he would end up. Perhaps even college, if he would find a study he liked. Which had been failing so far.

As Michael moved back from having pulled out a book, he jumped up at the sudden presence of someone to his right. They had been behind his locker door and only now his head was back out in the hallway, he had spotted them. Or him, to be more specific. The one and only Ashton Irwin.

Michael couldn't help but look around himself to see if there was someone standing near him that Ashton could possibly want to talk to. But, he was rather alone, as the nearest person was at least a good ten feet away. Yet here Ashton was, leaning against the lockers and taking in Michael's face, which was filled with confusion as he faced Ashton. "What?"

The word came out harsher than Michael had meant it, honestly, but he couldn't find it in him to care much in the moment. Not with the way Ashton was basically staring him down in silence. His arms were crossed, which made the muscles in them bulge a little and gosh, he looked really intimidating, if Michael was honest.

Ashton didn't seem to be fazed by the way the word was uttered though, a smile even tugging at his lips. "Just came to check you out. I was almost convinced Gerard Way was suddenly standing in our school's hallway."

Michael blinked at Ashton, his face telling the older one that he was unfazed, while his mind was spinning a little. After all, it was quite the discovery that Ashton knew My Chemical Romance. Michael wouldn't have thought Ashton listened to that kind of music. He seemed more like a pop-music kind of guy.

"What, because I dyed my hair?" Michael shot back, barely thinking about his words as he narrowed his eyes lightly at Ashton. "Or because I look old?"

Ashton was the one to blink this time, seeming dumbstruck as Michael's sarcasm had rather obviously caught him unawares. Michael felt a little proud of that, if he was honest. He wasn't one to speak his mind much, or to just speak at all, really. And especially not to people like Ashton Irwin. Yet here he was now.

There was a silence for a bit, making Michael close his locker and turn on his heels, before he walked off to his first period. From what he remembered, it was a class without Ashton and thus he could reflect on what had just happened in silence and alone. Perhaps stare out of a window or doodle some to go with it.

And it seemed that Michael had remembered right, to his relief. The class started and there was no Ashton Irwin seated in the room nor coming in later, which was more usual. It gave Michael the chance to think over what had just happened, a small smile tugging at his lips at the idea that he had finally stood up for himself in a way. He did however, worry that he had now angered Ashton and would receive bullying in return.

Worse enough, with every minute that passed that class, Michael found himself worrying more and more about the consequences of his actions before class. It was good he had spoken up, but maybe he should have just stayed polite, instead of replying so sarcastically. He loved how confident it had made him feel in that moment, but he hated how opposite he was feeling now. He wasn't made for this.

The second period, Michael felt like sinking through the ground when sitting down in a spot at the window, as he always tried. He knew for a fact that he did have this class with Ashton and Michael was not ready to feel people stare. Or have people whisper about him or even go as far to publically talk to him in a bad way. Even if he wished that wouldn't happen more than anything.

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