Chapter 4

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"So... you and Ashton Irwin huh?"

Michael looked up in disgust at the suggesting tone Calum used, before he fake-gagged, making Calum's nose scrunch up. Calum had always been cute, even without that action of his, with his somewhat chubby cheeks and lean body. His jawline was sharp though, really in contrast to the rest, but everything about him just made sense. From his chocolate brown eyes to his plump lips.

The black and red haired boy huffed, looking at Calum seriously as he shook his head a little. "Definitely not and never ever will either."

Calum pouted, rolling over onto his back as he looked up at Michael, who was sitting cross legged beside him now. They had been hanging out, planning to fanboy over All Time Low coming to their country and city soon and maybe play some videogames. But apparently, Calum had caught wind of Michael hanging out with Ashton Irwin and now he wouldn't let it go. "Never say never ever. Maybe there's a real prince charming behind that jock-façade."

"Façade." Michael huffed, shaking his head. "It's not a façade. He's really a jock, really an asshole and really fakely interested in me. I bet he just sucks up to me because he wants me to make that project we got paired up for. Why else would he even talk to someone like me? I'm nobody."

Calum frowned now, sitting up and facing his best friend. "Hey now Mike," Calum tilted Michael's face back up, still frowning sadly as he took the other's face in. "You're not nobody. You're one of the best people on Earth. He's lucky that you even give him the time of day, asshole or not. And besides, people are interested in you for real reasons too. Maybe he's always had a crush on you."

"This isn't a fanfiction Cal." Michael shot back, eyes narrowed a little and his head shaking again. Of course, Michael would love for a fanfiction –or fiction for that matter- to come true. But this was real life and real life, pretty much sucked.

"No, because if it was, your last name would be Gaskarth right now while Alex would be making dinner for his 'honeybunch' or whatever creepy nickname he can think of." Calum grinned, playfully pushing at Michael's knee. The black and red haired boy smiled a little, shrugging. "I guess so."

"Oh come on, cheer up buttercup. Fiction or real life, Ashton could still have a crush on you. And since he's a jock with this certain image he wants to maintain, he's just been scared to admit it. It would bring his status down in his mind, but I'm pretty sure he realised you're amazing and that there's no way you'd bring his status down." Calum argued then, crossing his arms and raising an eyebrow as if to say 'fight me'. Michael sighed, letting himself fall sideways and leaning on his pillows. He was feeling conflicted, hanging between believing Calum, which meant admitting it was possible Ashton Irwin had a crush on him or truly wanted to be friends. And on the other side, he still thought it was one big hoax, with Ashton jumping out any time, followed by cameras or his friends, laughing at Michael and yelling at him that he's stupid for thinking Ashton's interest in him was genuine.

If he was honest, both mortified him.

Of course the latter was way more mortifying, but Michael didn't deal well with crushes or becoming friends with people either. He always sat alone in class for a reason and he didn't feel like things would suddenly change and he would suddenly be great socially. Especially not with a jock like Ashton Irwin.

"Just give the dude a chance, alright? I know you don't like your school dances so I'm not saying you should go to it. But at least give Ashton a chance to... be your friend. It's the least you can do."

And so, Michael did. Or tried to, honestly. He wasn't good socially, like said, so to others it wasn't exactly like there was a change to him. Or his way of acting. He was still sarcastic and blew Ashton off whenever he began about the dance. But he did talk back a little more and he did allow Ashton by his side more than before. Which was kind of annoying as well, but Michael dealt with it.

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