Chapter 2: My Visitor

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"Yes she's here", Carlisle responded. "Alice?" he called.

I came closer to the door, Jasper came with me never wanted to let go of me. His arms were held tightly with mine and I felt safe with him.

I stared at her as I reached the door. She carried a gray dark cloak on her arm, which I immediately indentified that she was from the Volturi.

“ Yes, what do you want?”, I asked a little harshly. She sighed then smiled at me kindly.

“ My apologies, I’m Katrina. Uhm, and I’m here to tell something very important.”

“Yes, important indeed” Edward said staring at her. “And I’m pretty sure you’re going to be interested about this, Alice” he continued.

"Oh yes, the mind reader." She said looking at him. "You're Edward right? I have heard so much about you. It's a pleasure to meet you." She smiled showing her white set of teeth.

She looked back at me and I nodded once but before I spoke, Esme cut me off.

“I think it’s best that we talk inside shouldn’t we?”

“Uhm, yes I think that’s best”, was the only thing I could say.

We went to sit on the couch. I watched the face of Edward.

His face was smooth and relax, so I kind of relaxed too, or was it because of Jasper?

Yup. It was because of Jasper.  I smiled at him knowing how concern he was for me. "Are you fine?" Jasper whispered through my ear.

" Yes of course I am alright" I whispered back and kissed him on the cheek. Then he just smiled back at me.

All I could see through the future was that we were going to get along, but I couldn't see what was she going to tell me.

That’s weird.

I saw Bella's reaction to our visitor. She was surely worried for Renesmee.

It meant that she recognized the cloak too. But I was pretty sure that Katrina came not for Renesmee but me. But what does she need to tell me?

“Ok, but before you tell me something please tell me that you do not come for my niece.” I said.

This must please Bella if she knew that Nessie wasn't going to be harmed.

"Oh, surely I did not come here for the child. I wasn't sent by the Volturi, I came here for my purposes only" she answered.

"That's a relief" Bella responded.

"But why did you come here dear Katrina?" Carlisle asked.

"I came here only to clear things out for Alice you see." she said.

She faced to me this time.

"Alice maybe you'll get confused a bit on what I am going to say, but you must believe me."

I was beginning to get irritated.

" Alice, this about your past life. When you were still human and about the vampire who changed you."

I was shocked and stunned on what she said.

I've been waiting all these time for all my questions to be answered.

And now the time has come for all of them to be revealed. Will really know more about myself or will just hear lies that would confuse me even more?

I hope you'll like it. Please leave comments if you can :)

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