Chapter 3: Katrina

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"What?", was the only thing I could say.

I looked back at all of my memories of my existence.

Each memory of my family who kept me, and loved me as their own.

But from all of those memories one stood out the most...

Darkness... Darkness.. and more Darkness

My human memory was full of darkness and suffering.

Alone and lost, no where to go, no one to look for no nothing.

That's why I have never hated myself since I became immortal. It was because that's the only time I felt of being alive..

Being loved and cared..

I looked at the faces of my family, the family where I truly belong..

Carlisle, Esme, Rosalie, Emmett, Edward, Bella, Renesmee and.... Jasper.

They each nodded for encouragement and I weakly smiled back at them.

I faced back to Katrina who was waiting for my response.

I smiled at her and said "You've got to tell me everything"

"Yes, I would." Katrina responded.

"Yah, everything okay we've got plenty of time." I said.

"Oh yes we do."

I smiled at her with excitement.

"Okay you see, I met Aro many many years ago. He asked me to join him and that he would be very welcome to accept me. But because I had no choice back then at that time, I joined him. There I met Carlisle and we became great friends too, didn't we Carlisle?"

"Oh yes, we did." He answered back.

"Wait, if your part of the Volturi then you would have special power too isn't it? I asked.

"Yes, my power isn't that awesome I could show what I like you to see if I wanted too."

"Oh, like Zafrina then." I responded.

"Yes, just like your friend Zafrina." She said.

"You know Zafrina?" This time Renesmee was the one who asked her.

We all didn't meet the Amazon Coven for a while now and sure Nessie misses Zafrina too.

"Uhm, well I don't know her personally but I have seen her, I'll explain it to you later as we go further more."

Everyone waited patiently for her to go on, eager to know more and more of what had had happened.

"And so, after a few years I got tired of being in the Volturi, I wanted to be free. I then left the Volturi and went alone.

I then met Daniel, he was a nomad. Eventually we then became great friends, I mean we became actually mates." She said shyly.

"We then looked for a hobby or some what like a job." She continued. "We were both bored of going around and we decided to just settle down and

tried to feed on animals rather than humans so that we could handle and mingle with them as we stayed with them.

We found a nearby town and there we were given a job at an asylum."

I stiffened on the word asylum; I felt everyone's eyes on me. I knew that the part I've been waiting for has come.

But will I be able to accept it? My own human life?

Jasper hand touched mine.

"It's ok love, you can handle it." he whispered.

Yes I can, I would do it.

And I'll be happy to accept it...

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