Epilogue: Aiko's Diary

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Hiya guys, it's Aiko here!

Huh, what am I doing, you ask? Actually, I don't know it myself either but Hikari-chan suddenly came to me and told me to write this thing. She told me that her own story ended a little too early and she didn't manage to answer all the questions you readers might ask. So here I am, staring at this white notebook, wondering what should I write.

I can't believe that Hikari-chan asked me to write this thing, Yuki-chii is a much better writer than I am. Argh, this is going nowhere... I think I should start to where Hikari-chan left.

So, after Haruya and Fuu-kun were now officially a couple, we all separated into groups and enjoyed our time together. Haruya was with Fuu-kun, Yuki-chii with Atsuya and I ended up being with Shiro-chii.

I heard that when the two visited the maid café, where Ryuuji was working, everyone had mistaken Fuu-kun for a girl. Yuki-chii with Hikari-chan and that Stupid Blond had done incredible work with that. Even I couldn't at first believe that it was Fuu-kun.

Things for me and Shiro-chii didn't go so smoothly as there was a group of yelling fangirls everywhere and we had to run, and hide from them wherever we went to. But really, who cares what happened to me, this story is supposed to be about Haruya and Fuu-kun, right?

So, let's make a major time skip.

When it was almost the end of our school festival, it was finally time to nominate the kings and queens. This event was hosted by me and Mamoru-nii, who like always was wearing his jersey. Gosh, doesn't that person have anything else than his school uniform and soccer jersey?

Anyway, our first kings were Atsuya and Haruya who were the Kings of Stupidity. Poor them...

There were lots of others like:
The King of Bananas – Fudou 
The King of Goggles - Kidou
and The King of Penguins - Sakuma.

As for the queens, Razel won the award as the Queen of Confessions. She had, who knows how many boys confessing their love to her, even though everyone knew that she was already dating Toramaru. Haruna got the Queen of Smartness as she had got a perfect score in all exams, while I on the other hand...

I got the award as the queen of stupidity. Why? Because I got zero points in the High School entrance exams. Yeah, if I hadn't been scouted to Raimon High, I wouldn't have gotten into this school.

Lucky me!

There were even more of the awards, but there's only one - actually two - more that I want to talk you about. First was the King of Smartness. Can you guess who it is? Of course, it's the one and only Suzuno Fuusuke.

Yep, that's him.

Well, I'm sure that there's nothing else to say about him, so I skip to our next winner, who is Shiro-chii.

So, while Razel was the Queen of Confessions, Shiro-chii won the award as the King of Confessions. Of course, that was only natural.

Shiro-chii was kind to everyone and his smiling face was something that made girls fall for him. Not to mention that he was good looking. But for the bad luck of all the girls, the rumors said that he had rejected all of them. The reason was because he already had someone that he liked, but no one knew just who this girl was.

Shiro-chii came to stage and I gave him the award. When he was about to go, Mamoru-nii asked something that no one had expected. I was so ready to kill him after his words.

"Since you had rejected all the girl that have confessed to you, it means that you have someone you like, right?" My eyes widened in shock as I heard his words and almost dropped the mic I was holding.

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