Ep 12: While We Are Locked Togeather - Luka POV

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Liberty suddenly transformed and we heard my mum's voice, she wanted us and only us to play. I wanted to play, but not like that! I wanted to play because people wanted to listen to me, not because they were forced to listen.

Oh, and there was also this one little thing about my mum being akumatized.

I didn't know what would help her to snap back to normal, but I had to try something - "Mom, please, you can't ruin the music festival!"

And then I heard something I never expected, but was really glad to hear - "Yeah, you can't make people listen to your music!"

"No way we're playing like this!" - Ivan shouted from behind, but I didn't want to look away from mum just to look at him.

She looked angry. Really angry. And then she bursted out on us - "Mutiny? On my ship?" - she smiled with a wicked smile that gave me chills. That wasn't my mum's smile, that was a smile of a villain.

I couldn't believe that villain was my mum.

She pointed her sword at us and said - "Liberty, seize them and throw them down into the hold!"

Chains just flew on us out of nowhere. They tied us together in a few groups. As Marinette and I stood close to each other, we got locked together. As much as I was still worried, I couldn't complain on that... Then the deck moved and, suddenly, we were rolling to a space under the deck.

We were still locked, though.

And I still didn't mind who I was locked up with, was even beginning to feel happy about it.

Yeah... I was happy that I was locked together with my cr- with Marinette! And I was happy that our arms touched while we were sitting there, and how we could've held hands if we just moved then a slightest bit, and how I moved my hand a bit towards hers and she didn't move away.

All of that while my mum was akumatized and while we were locked as her prisoners as she went around the city, destroying the music festival.

I shouldn't be thinking this way in a situation like this!! What is going on with me?!

The chains fell.

I just stared at my hands and then turned to her, to Marinette - "Wow! How'd you do that?" - I said, still amazed.

"I... umm... I..." - she looked around as she was searching for something...? - "With this!" - she held up the guitar pick with Jaggad Stone on it, the one I gave to her just bare minutes before.

It seems like a whole another world now.

It seems like a dream.

Like the best dream I've ever had.

I put out my hand and she took it. She took it without hesitation. I helped her to get up, then I looked at her and suddenly I wasn't thinking, I only told her what was on my heart for some time now - "You're amazing," - not just because of this. You are amazing as a whole, you are completely amazing, with no exceptions. What just happened didn't make you amazing, it happened, you were able to do it, because you were amazing long before this moment - "a real magician, Marinette!" - you're magical. The way you look at something you like is magical. The way you look at me is magical, and you only just met me. Your eyes are magical...

You're magical.

But, of course, I could never tell her everything that just crossed her mind. We just met! And my mum was still akumatized, so there was that.

But I wanted to tell her that. To tell her all of that.

Even though we just met, even though this wasn't the time to be thinking of this, I wanted to do it. I wanted her to know.

She blushed at my words - "You think so? Oh, it was nothing..." - and then she froze for a moment. As if something unexpected or unpleasant happened. My heart stopped. Did I do something wrong? Sait something I shouldn't have said? And then she relaxed, her gaze becoming so soft and hopeful that I almost felt red coming up to my cheeks. - "A-am, amazing, really?" - and then I realised. She froze because she only now processed the part where I told her she was amazing. I calmed down and was at ease again. But... why did she freeze at that? Wasn't she used to people complementing her? She seams so kind and nice that I wouldn't believe it was the case. But then why-

She turned her head to me. She looked right into my eyes and stopped me from thinking about anything but her. Actually, stopping me from thinking about anything at all, as I was only able to look at her, and those sparkling eyes. She then leaned in a bit towards me, with so much gratitude, so much happiness, so much hope in her gaze, that it sent my mind spinning.

What I was thinking couldn't be true. How could I have ever even thought that way?! Marinette is the kindest, the nicest and the most amazing person I have ever met.

And, for me, she was the kindest, the nicest, and the most amazing person in the world.

I looked deeper into her eyes as I leaned in down to her too.

And once I lost myself in them, I wasn't sure I could have found my way out.

I wasn't sure if I wanted to.

And then she smiled at me. She smiled so softly and with so much affection that my mind became clear in that very moment.

There wasn't much there.

Not much, except one little thought.

The thought I was afraid of this whole time.

The thought I was now sure of, more than anything in the world.

The thought that filled my mind with a certain warmth.

I like her.

I like Marinette.

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