Episode 13

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Hi, people!

So... everyone who's seen episode 13... (SPOILER ALERT!) ...knows that Luka doesn't appear in the episode

As this fanfiction follows the storyline from the show, I will not be continuing by adding scenes that didn't happen... and here is where my mind was divided: should I make a chapter or two about how Marinette felt and about how she was thinking about Luka during the Zombizu episode, or should I just inform you that I will be waiting for the next episode, in which Luka hopefully appears, to write more chapters.

Now this is where I need your opinion since I don't know what to do.

So please leave a comment to help me decide what should I do. Since the next episode is going to be aired on April 21st, if the decision ends up to be writing about this episode, it will be published on April 17th (since I will wait until April 16th to see what you think) and if it is the other way, I will not upload anything, as I feel like there are too many of this author's notes here already. 😂😅

Soo... until then I will be more focused on my other story! That's all from me for now!

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