Ep 12: The Meeting - Luka POV

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I was in my room, meditating, when I heard a sound. Someone entered the room. I didn't open my eyes right away, waiting to see what the person will do. When nothing happened, I opened my eyes and saw a girl with bluish hair and bright blue eyes glancing at my guitar. Her gaze was full of amazement, maybe just at the guitar, but I still smiled to myself, wishing it was for me.

Then she moved her gaze from the guitar to my face, and our eyes locked. I looked at her eyes, their color fascinated me, how they were so bright blue, and how they sparkled as if they had a thousand spotlights reflected in them.

I smiled, this time to her. As if that put her out of a trans, she blinked in a moment and than spoke - "U-u-um... h-hey! My name is Ma-Ma...um M-M-M-Marinette! U-um, your mum sent me here... The groove... A-ah, the group is waiting for you."

She was so cute, especially the stuttering. She seemed so confused and nervous that I had no choice but to laugh. I tried not to laugh, though, as there was a chance she might take it the wrong way. Instead, I teased her a bit - "Hello, M-M-M-Marinette!"

I immediately regretted my decision. Her face dropped, as if she was troubled, amd I mentaly slapped myself.


I wanted to show her I didn't mean to hurt her, but all I could do in that moment was an apologetic look. Though... now when I think about it... there is something I could do - "Sorry, I intend to make more sense with this."

I took my guitar from where it was lying next to me and played a short tune. Her eyes lit up the moment she heard the sound, and I knew I at least made the right decision with this.

I patted the bed to let her know that she can sit down. Or I was just making excuses to get even a little closer to her. Anyways, she sat down beside me and I looked into her eyes one more time before closing my own.

I want those eyes be the inspiration for the music I'm about to play.

"That's strange, it seems you have something like this in your heart."

I want it to reach you.

I want it to reach your heart.

As my hands touched the wires I knew what I was going to play. I saw it in her eyes. In her soul. So I just let my mind get lost in that picture, in her blue eyes, her blue hair, and started playing.

Throughout the tune I looked at her several times, to make the picture in my head clear again, but also to see what were her first reactions.

The first few times she was in the same position, still looking at me, but this time she looked amazed. I smiled to her each time our eyes met, and while I kept them closed, I smiled to myself at the memory of her last smile.

Her last smile, that was for me.

The next time I found her facing forward and with her eyes closed and her hand on her heart.

It reached her. Her eyes were still closed, her hand on her heart. She tilted her head down, like she was resting.

I achieved what I wanted. The tune was ending and I was just looking at her, at how beautiful she looked when she thought no one was looking.

I reached her.

"How do you... do that?" - she said softly after a few moments of silence after the tune ended.

I had no real answer, really. I just do what comes to me, play what I get inspiration for in the moment. So instead of explaining all that to her, I just answered - "Music is often simpler than words."

She smiled at me. And I smiled back. I was trying, and hopefully succeeding, not to show just how nervous I was, but there was no point in even trying not to stare at her, though. She was so beautiful, and everything she did looked so cute and full of nervousness that I just couldn't stop looking at her, wondering how she will amaze me now.

She looked around my room and her eyes stopped on my Jaggad Stone poster. She got up and went to the place it was put up on the wall, and I followed her with my gaze. She looked impressed with my collection of guitar picks, one in particular.

"You like Jaggad Stone's music?" - she asked while looking at a guitar pick with Jaggad's picture on it.

"He's my favourite singer."  - I replied as I got up to go stand next to her.

"Mine too!" - now she raised her gaze to meet mine. We smiled at each other for the millionth time, it almost seemed like it was our little way of acknowledging the other one's attention. In one moment se just seemed distracted with something, and when she tried to put the pick, which she was still holding, back, she almost dropped it.

"U-uh...am..." - she muttered silently, trying to get a hold of herself. I looked at the pick. It was my favourite, I had to stay in line for two days to get it, as it was a limited item. But in a way, I didn't mind her having it, if that meant she would be happy. It was strange, that feeling.

"You can have it if you'd like, I've got plenty." - I said without even thinking about it twice. K wanted her to be happy. I wasn't sure why, but I did, so I did what I could to make that happen.

"Oh! Thanks!" - she looked really surprised. But her eyes sparkled with a new light as I said that, so I didn't regret giving it to her for a single moment.

I wanted to stay here with Marinette a lot, lot more, but we had a rehearsal, so I had to come up quick, or they are going to send someone again. And that someone could ruin this moment I was having with her so I decided to say now, while it wasn't too late - "I think I better go and join the... groove, you said." - don't judge me! I love making jokes! I just cant let this amazing one go away... I was careful not to say anything that might hurt Marinette, though. I learned from my mistakes, and I learned that I never want to see her hurt ever again. Not by anyone, but least from me.

"Did I really say that? Oh no!" - she put her hands on her head and bent over. She looks so cute when she is embarrassed! I just couldn't help myself but to release a small laugh.

"You're a funny girl, Marinette." - I said and turned around to walk out of the cabin. At the doorstep I hesitated a little, but I only threw one last glance at Marinette, who was still staring after me, and smiled to myself at that thought.

At the thought that she might like me.

As I walked out of the inside of the boat I couldn't stop thinking about her. About how easy it was to be around her, how I wanted to capture our moment and let it last forever. How I want to have another moment like that with her.

I got out, greeted everyone and joined the band at the stage. I was tuning my guitar when I saw her. She greeted her friend, but looked distracted. Again. Then I realised her eyes were going over the boat, searching for something. She finally looked at me and her eyes stayed locked with mine. I gave her a smile and she returned it.

I guess she found what she was looking for...

I was so distracted myself that I almost didn't notice my mum saying - "Ho-ho, sailors, let's give them a show! Whenever you're ready, Luka!"

With that I revealed the loudspeaker and got ready to play.

I hope she is watching me.

I hope she is listening.

I hope she will listen when I play for her again.

When I play only for her.

Marinette, I hope you're looking at me. I hope... I hope...

I hope you know that-  and then I played my tune.

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