22 Years Ago

187 15 3

Here! A bonus, because we weren't able to upload in Hellhigh before. Any, here you go! A gift from us, enjoy. Not much of a story but this is the first chapter :P Enjoy.

"Honey, are you almost done? Our lab isn't going to make it!" Said a beautiful woman, who had blonde hair and bright blue eyes that were filled with terror and concern.

She was covering her two boys from the falling rubble that was caused by the earthquake, with the magnitude still unknown because the ground still shook. Fixtures and things all around them were falling to the floor, their own feet could tell that the floor was caving in.

Her body shook in fear as she watched the place crumble bit by bit. She was holding her boys close. The older one had the same blonde hair as their mother and had his blue eyes from their father. He was only 5 years old and the little one was being carried by their mom who was only a year old and had their mom's cerulean eyes and their father's sandy blonde hair. The little one had the most beautiful cerulean eyes... but he was born blind.

The reason why they were still in the collapsing building was because of their little boy.

"Yes! I've finished it!" Their father mused with a hysterical laugh, their older son just looked at them in confusion while their mother smiled in pure delight despite the predicament they were in. This was their life's work, a cure for deficiencies. They made sure to center in on their child's eyes, to cure him.

The ground shook some more making the couple snap out of their stupor, their fear kicking in.

The cure wouldn't matter if they died here with their kids, the most important than anything or anyone.

They had to get out of here, no matter what.

The woman yelled. "Let's get out of here! The laboratory is going to collapse soon!"

The man had agreed and he ran with his wife carrying their younger child while he held onto their son and the potion that took 3 months to make. He gave the potion to his older son and then carried him so that they could get out of the collapsing structure faster. They were so close into getting out. It only took a few more meters when a pillar almost fell on the man's wife and younger child. He couldn't allow it so he immediately placed his older son down and then he pushed his wife away from the pillar. His wife and child were safe but he wasn't so lucky. The pillar had crushed half of his body... he was still alive though. Surely he wouldn't make it.

He knew that.

Blood spurted out of his mouth as he had a sudden thought that he couldn't feel his toes and that the life was being drained out of his body. His body was shutting down, black spots were dancing across his vision and it was getting colder by the second.

So this is what is like to feel death looming over you, he said to himself. It's a little scary because he could see his wife saying something to him but he just couldn't understand. He could hear his children crying in the background. It isn't entirely unpleasant... he was starting to get numb and a little lightheaded too.

He willed himself to listen and to warn his lovely wife of what's to come.

There was no hope of getting him out of the collapsed pillar, he knew that already but his wife wouldn't allow that he would get left behind.

"Honey, help me push the pillar off of you!" She demanded of him, tears falling from her eyes.

The man knew there was no hope but he tried to help his wife, just to make her happy. They could try and try but there would be no way out of this. It's too late and if he continues to humor her, it would kill her and their children. Everything they had worked so hard for would've gone to waste if they all died here. He couldn't let that happen. He just wants his family to survive.

"Go." He ordered his wife, his voice stern even though he was getting weaker and weaker.

His wife immediately refused, shaking her head from side to side. Reluctant to heed her husband's demand. "No! Not without you."

The man pushed. "You have to! If you don't want our children to die!"

The woman cried rivers when her husband had said that. He was right, she knew. He was always right. She had to take care of their family now. She needs to be strong for her children. Steeling herself, she calmed herself as she sniffed; she tried to be strong before she faced her older son. He wouldn't want him to be worried. He was already crying while he held on to his baby brother.

She said, kneeling down to face his older son. "Love, if anything happens; we want you to take your brother and inject this in him and take very good care of him."

The boy asked, with his cute tiny voice. "Why mommy? Are you and daddy going somewhere?"

The woman wiped her tears away and said. "We're not going anywhere, love. Just take your brother and the potion, and then get out of this place. You're father and I will catch up. Whatever happens, don't look back and don't go back in. Can you do that for mommy?"

The innocent boy nodded, carrying his brother and the potion. He tried his best to be strong. He could do this, he said to himself.

He asked, clueless. "Yes mommy. Will I get a treat when I obey you?"

His mother choked on a sob and replied. "Yes I will love. Later, okay? Now go! Don't look back."

The child ran swiftly but carefully, afraid he might drop his little brother and the potion his father and mother created. He only looked back when he was out and a few meters away from the breaking structure.

He kept calling his parents. "Mom! Dad!"

His ruckus from calling his parents caused his little brother to cry. He saw his father push his mother away. His mother had unwillingly ran away from his husband. The boy was curious, why did his mother leave his father? He then understood... his father couldn't get out anymore and he wanted her to leave. The child saw that the laboratory will not hold on much longer.

He cried out. "Mom hurry!"

Just as their mother was about to step out of the lab for good... the structure had given up and it fell to the ground crushing their parents in rubble. The boy screamed at what his eyes saw.

new story! Yay! Its time to speak in english;;)) Ayt, nothing to say. Hope you guys enjoy! And if you did enjoy, VOTE!=))) Okay?:)

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