Cat and Mouse

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Gosh this story is actually harder to do than I thought. I had to seriously keep on watching Resident Evil games and the walking dead just to get fascinated. Tiresome really.


Ellone's POV

*Drip drip drip drip*

What was that?

I opened my eyes, trying to blink away the blurry black spots in my vision. I moved my body, expecting an excruciating pain somewhere because I had a long fall but I only felt muscle pain and I'm sure there would be bruises here and there but luckily, nothing broken. I'm extremely lucky to still be alive. I might even have a concussion with the black spots in my line of sight. There wasn't blood coming out of my ears is there? That would be bad if there were.

Still... I'm lucky to be alive.

How many stories did I fall from anyways?

I was brought out of my reverie by a scream. A child like scream. I abruptly sat up from my lying down position, making me feel a whole lot nauseous but I disregarded that fact as I looked at where the scream had come from and saw from the very far corner of the room was Catherine running away from a rotten creature than barked after her. I was guessing it was a dog before it died like it did. Like what Mia said, even the animals were zombies.

This is getting worse, I never thought it could get any worse but it just did.

"Catherine!" I screamed at her and I was about to run after her despite my blurry visions and bile continuously trying to bubble up inside me but a loud monstrous growl stopped me from even standing... and maybe from breathing too.

I gasped as I saw a huge hairy creature next to me, baring its fangs at me. My body shook in place, fearing for my life. Is this how I will die? I freeze in place, making sure not to make any sounds or to make any sudden movements, I didn't want it to think that I was threatening it.

I could barely breathe as it stared right at me. I watched it cautiously and then I figure that it was one of our gorillas who they tested on... who Tidus tested on, despite our protests. Our test never was tried on animals just rats but Tidus wanted apes and gorillas because they were closest to human DNA. I never though it would come back to bite us in the end for not winning the debate.

Drool was slowly falling from the corner of its mouth as it growled menacingly. Blood was dripping with his saliva too. His body was decaying, the smell of rotting flesh permitted the air and it was making me more dizzy that I already was.

It's eyes were red and his other arm looked like it was rotting so much that the meat on his arm was rotting off. I could see bone there but looking at him, it didn't seem to notice his injury. I was shaking but I tried to look for anything I could use to flee or fight... nothing was helping. I wasn't able to finish any thought as I screamed in pain as it grabbed my hair and pulled me towards somewhere. I kept on screaming, the dizziness was getting to me. Why can't it just kill me already! The lack of oxygen because of my screams weren't much help with my possible concussion... I might faint again soon.

The monster dropped his hold on me and screamed in pain as I heard gunshots being fired.


I watched in a daze as bullets rained down on the creature as blood flowed out of its gaping wounds.

I followed the bullet shots to see Aaron emptying his clips on the creature. Aaron then immediately swooped me into his arms before the creature could fall down on me. Oh my gosh.

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