Chapter 17: Peaceful Nights

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Later that evening, the Mulligan-Lafayette family went home. Herc drove, while his husband napped soundly in the passenger seat, and his daughter looked out the windows.

"Hey, Princess?" Herc said, catching Cami's attention. "Uncle John wanted to know if you and Philip wanted to have a sleep-over tomorrow after school?"

Cami smiled widely, and quickly nodded her head. Herc smiled backe her through the rearview mirror. Lafayette, only partially asleep smiled too.


Cami finished packing her bag and came out to the living room. Her fuzzy giraffe pajamas were a bit loose on her, and her hair was pulled up into a pair of messy pigtails.

Lafayette leaned into Hercs side, and gestured Cami to sit with them. Cami slid into her parents lap, and they both held her close, Laf pressing a small kiss to her forehead.

They watched T.V. together, Cami falling asleep in the crook of Herc's arm. Lafayette looked at his sleeping child, smiling to himself before closing his eyes too, but when he opened them again he was in his bed.

Outside, the thick blanket of darkness covered the sky an crickets chirped softly in the night. The moon light gave the world a soft silver glow.

Laf slid out of bed, his feet making contact with the cold wooden floor, that softly creaked with every step. He heard a soft voice that sung out in a sweet yet quiet melody.

In Camille's bedroom, Herc sang a soft lulliby. He sang in a beautifully deep voice, and did continued to make shure Cami was asleep.

Lafayette stood in the doorway, gazing in opon his husband and daughter, until the words suddenly began to reach his ears. The subtle melody floated on the air as Herc stood from his place beside Camille's bed, and gently placed a hand on her head. He turned to Laf and smiled.

Had he know Laf was standing there?

Perhaps he did, but what did it matter. He held his husband close, before carrying him back to the bedroom. Laf sunk into the warmth of Herc's embrace, and smiled as his soft bed cradled his body.

That night was unlike other nights before it. On this night, Lafayette and Herc didn't just lay side by side, the two men savored every moment in eachothers arms.

Because experiencing hardships only makes the good times greater.

(Word Count: 398)

Things are changing now, but the storm has not yet cleared. I wanted something sgort and sweet to give you guys.


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