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Hey guys, this is gonna be about my problems I guess, because I can't explain to other people cause I'm scared they'll think I'm weird and not talk to me. Friends. I feel like an outcast among my group of friends. I've been friends with them since elementary school, but now, I cry every time I think about them. I feel like they hate me. We used to all be best buddies, but because of some fairly recent stuff I did, which I'm not proud of, I try to hold back tears every time I'm near them. This feeling has caused me to go into depression, and self harm. I haven't started cutting or anything, but that's not what depressed means. I read on a friend's story, and I agree with him. I believe depression as not another word, but the true feeling of wanting to cry every second, and feeling weighed down to where you can barely do anything. Like there's a big hole in your chest that makes you break down from time to time. As soon as I get home from school I cry. If your one of the friends I'm talking about, I'm truely sorry. I sincerely apologize. Please, just wait. Wait a bit longer. Maybe I'll muster up the courage to tell you this one day. Please don't hold it against me. I love all of you with a deep passion in my heart, like a raging inferno that needs air to survive, I need you guys. Please...

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