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This is serious. This is real. I'm shattering. I'm coming apart by the seems. The fabric of my soul seems to be tearing. I don't know if I can bear it any more. I want to break down into tears. Everyone expects me to be strong. They think I'm innocent. They think I'm pure. That's far from the truth. I hate myself. I want to die. The voice inside of my head makes me wonder. Why do I do this? Why do I continue to pretend like everything is fine. I'm SCARED. This other me, he's starting to take control. I fear I'll no longer be able to make things right. I just don't know. I need a shoulder to cry on, but everyone's are full. I'm not big enough to make a fuss about. No one ever notices me. I want to fix things, my the other me is doubtful, and thinks it'll only get worse if I do. I don't need pity. I need someone who truely cares. I'm not myself anymore. I'm breaking down, and unraveling myself in this wattpad story that no one will read, because their shoulders are full. I don't know if I can hold it back any longer. No one knows, or cares about me. I'm a waste of air. I'm a waste of room. I don't want this anymore. Please. Help.

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