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If you read last chapter, it's kinda gonna be like that. Theres this girl i like. I LOVE her. But,she has a boyfriend. At first, they barely talked. She was always with her friends, he'd be away from her with his friends, and at one point, she said to her friends, (including me) that at one point she thought about breaking up with him for not being there for her, but she said she wouldn't. When I heard this, I was so excited, but then immediately shut down when she said the last part, because, I've been wanting to confess to her for a while now, but, because of some stuff I did (which I truly regret) she hasn't been talking to me the way we used to. She would always talk to her other friends, and I would sit there awkwardly, crumbling apart on the inside. I cry, thinking about how much I want things to go back the way they used to be. I at least want to be normal friends again, but I have no way to contact her outside of school, because she doesn't have her phone. I'm on an isolated island across from her country. What separates us is the rough ocean made from my tears that break any boat of courage I have. So In short, this is kind of a confession. It's very specific, so if she ever reads this, she'll know it's her. I needed to tell someone, but I don't have anyone I can trust with my emotions, so I put it in this story.

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