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We were at the store and Gabe ran off. Probably to get some candy. As I grabbed some stuff for Dean and Cas, Claire was just talking. "Nice story cutie"I smiled.

After a couple minutes she wore herself out. I took a picture and sent it to Cas. As I was grabbing the other things I didn't notice someone so I bumped into him.

"Sorry"I said. He shrugged. "It's all good. Nothing broken"he smirked. I nodded. He looked at Claire. "Cute kid. She yours?"he asked. "My brothers. Just babysitting"I told him.

"Well, she is adorable"he laughed. I nodded. "I say that to her all the time"I smiled.

"You have a nice smile"he told me. I blushed. "Thanks. I'm Sam"I offered to shake his hand. "Marcus"he shook it.

It was silent for a second. "So Sam. Have a girlfriend?"he asked. I shook my head. "Just got dumped. But I'm gay"I explained. He nodded. "Well it must be my lucky day. I know we just meant, but you did bump into me. So how about you make it up to me by dinner?"he asked.

I smirked. "I would love to".

"Great. Here put your number in my phone. I'll call you later"he handed me his phone. Once I put my number in his phone he winked and walked off.

I turned around and noticed Gabe at the end of the cart. "Hey"I said. He said nothing.

"Got everything you need?"I asked. "Yeah. I see you've got something "he through some stuff in the cart and walked off. I raised an eyebrow. "Weird"I whispered. Just than I got a text.

Hey Sam. Tonight 7. My place. ;)
(Random address)

I smirked.  Sent him back an ok and continued to walk.

Once we were done we got into the car. Claire still asleep and Gabe not looking at me. "So when's your date with......whatever his name is?"he finally looked at me.

"7. Why do you care?"I asked. "No. I don't care. I can care less.  I mean why should I care. No reason to care. I don't even know what caring is"he rambled. "Ok. I'm gonna stop you there before you have an entire speech about caring"I laughed.

He rolled his eyes. "Whatever"he whispered. "Jeez What bit your butt"I chuckled.

"Nothing. Just tired"he shrugged. "Ok. We'll be back soon. Dean will be home in about an hour and Cas should be home now"I told him. "K."he said. He wanted to stop talking.

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